Posts by "usikpa"
100 Posts Total by "usikpa":
Posts by Anonymous "usikpa":
Another interesting observation of his is that four of the five US recessions were preceded by a rapid decline of the ratio to the bottom of the range (8-10).
How can they keep sterilizing SMP 1 + LTRO1 +LTRO2 +"unlimited" when they just lowered the ER deposit rate recently?
Still hoping to hear out your answer. As my arabic isn't great, would appreciate your view of the bigger picture in English either here or elsewhere. As VIX goes over 40 next week, would you be a buyer of equities (risk assets) then or rather wait it out till August - September?
Just a question for you, as I listen very carefully to what you have to say (and I gather you usually have much more to say than on these forums :()
People in the know suggest that we are, basicaly, guaranteed to see VIX =ᡠ this month.
Would you be a buyer of equities then?
Thank you
When do you expect the China hard landing to kick in on Euro?
IFO is a good measurement of business expectations, considered a fairly good prediction of the brent oil price
ZEW is just another opinion by the likes of you and me. Goldman economics team has long 'downgraded' it
It would appear to me the below should read as follows:
"As long as the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England continue to FLATTEN their own yield curves via LTROs, Operation Twist and QE3 respectively..."
Operation twist and LTRO have nothing to do with instigating inflation, one would presume...
Would be interested to know your view given that macro data out of the US is very much likely to deteriorate (word has it so) next month