
Posts by "zafer"

3 Posts by member
(Manchester, United Kingdom)
Manchester, UK
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Nov 17, 2009 15:39
Many thanks Ashraf. Yes, I agree, the fiscal position in the US and UK is relatively worse. With their trade surplus likely to continue to provide some cushion, one must bear in mind that Japan also owes almost all its debt to domestic buyers. The only question is whether the recovery in global demand growth would be enough to compensate for the loss in revenues and competitiveness caused by an expensive yen for Japanese corporations such as Toyota and Sony.
Manchester, UK
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Nov 17, 2009 5:43
Hello Ashraf, Yen strength seems to be holding for now despite recent waves of risk appetite. However, Japan has a deteriorating fiscal position and a growing debt service charge. As reported in the media, the CDS's on Japanese bonds are getting costlier and although there is no risk of default, the fiscal situation may force the government to do some radical tightening. In light of this, do you still see yen strength going into Q1/Q2 or would it become weaker as/when the dollar finally rebounds?
Manchester, UK
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Nov 16, 2009 11:32
Hello Ashraf,
I am much thankful for your timely and accruate analysis. I was wondering what is the significance of the 1.6740-50 level resistance in Cable as the previous high was 1.6840 but you very accurately called for 1.6740 to hold. Would you please like to clarify the identificaiton of such resistance levels for us to learn? Thanks!