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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 3119
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Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)

Discuss Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
May 1, 2013 13:57
Japan has a wicked demographics problem looming. I noticed yesterday Abe planning on upping the status of female workers.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013 21:18
In reply to Rezz's post
i think cnbc means china bubble gonna burst next yr. it is logic to me.
Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 53
12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013 21:13
When cnbc starts putting up headlines like this you know you have to be careful... Buying Gold in Aussie terms is perhaps not a bad idea if you are from Australia.. Same for Canadians, buying gold in C$ terms??
Lone Ranger
Vieux Fort, St Lucia
Posts: 94
12 years ago
Apr 26, 2013 10:11
In reply to Rezz's post
Hey Rezz, CAD has been a dream range trade for a while now especially against GBP but this dream sure to end one day.

You right about NZDCAD and then probably AUDCAD will follow it down as well..
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Apr 25, 2013 21:07
In reply to Rezz's post
Yes JM is pretty good with his referrals. I have always found John extremely well balanced and remarkably accurate with his predictions. He can be out on timing like all economists and gurus and if anything I have found him erring on the optimistic side over the years. Do you also read his Grant Williams service, very good, if a little long winded :-)

Hussman's opening line said it all for me. Having been in industry I find the global financial ponzi systems extremely irritating. Need to close down all the systems and transfer 90% of those employed in the financial industry back into "proper" jobs that have some value to mankind. As for traders/speculators our only claim to fame is to provide liquidity :-) my excuse is I am retired:-) Imagine how valuable all those GS algo mathematicians would be to the sciences ! Guys like Lloyd Blankefien who are too far gone we could send on the one way ticket to Mars where he would be closer to his god.

My perspective is its all going to end in utter disaster but no way we can nail the timing of the end of the end game. On that happy note I am hoping your Mr Carney brings a box of magic tricks to the UK ! I don't think more QE is the answer for the UK. We need to get the banks lending again but first they must have lessons in business credit assessment, back to school for the basics in banking !
Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 53
12 years ago
Apr 25, 2013 20:31
In reply to cloudstr1f3r's post
USDCAD is tough to call right now but easier for me to judge against the other commodity pairs, especially NZD which is also at elevated highs against the AUD... AUDNZD as 1.21 ish now. I certainly expect AUDNZD to get back around 1.25 sometime. I've also been watching NZDCAD lately and my feeling is that in a risk off environment NZD is going to have to come off more than CAD.
London, UK
Posts: 0
12 years ago
Apr 25, 2013 19:13
Any thoughts on USD CAD?
Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 53
12 years ago
Apr 24, 2013 21:32
In reply to DaveO's post
Thanks Dave for your thoughts. I agree the US economy isnt improving but masked by other factors. I know you follow Mauldin as well and he had a link to this talk by Dr Hussman from hussmanfunds who lays out the current situation with great research and insights. Here is his talk...
London, UK
Posts: 0
12 years ago
Apr 20, 2013 1:37
I think Draghi is rather smooth is his handling of the euro affairs so far, much better than Chichet. Alas, afterall, he's a former squid with the Italian flair.

I am not convinced by the now consensus that the US is on route to recovery. Didn't bad data start coming out from a couple of weeks ago, when euro started rallying? Better data before that could well be seasonal holiday effect. But I have not been following US econ data too closely, just a hunch.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Apr 19, 2013 23:36
In reply to Rezz's post
One more thought. I don't go along with the current consensus that the US economy is improving. I would bet if you caught Bernanke privately after he had had a few whiskies you would find him extremely concerned.