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EUR Trade Index 18-Year Chart
Daily EURO chart of 18 years of cyclical developments in finance & politics
TNOTE 10 years at around 115
This tweet of yours had me in stitches:
brace urselves for the cacophony of Guidance EarningsEstimates WhisperNumbers ToplineEarnings Revenues Organic earngs, Post & PreTarp $$ .
It reminds me of the late 90's in the U.S., when all the large U.S. multinationals would cry about the strong dollar and it's negative affects on their earnings. So much so that Lou Gerstner, in a brazen effort to run IBM stock up so he can unload millions and millions of insider shares on the unsuspecting public, actually started the trend of reporting TWO earnings numbers" one with the real numbers, and one with "constant" currency as if the strength in the USD was not occuring.
These guys have been fleecing the public for years, decades. Yet the public always goes back for more. Can anyone believe the Vix is at 18? And CNBC is calling it "irrelevant" because "it is different this time". OMG!
It seems we're ready to break 80 soon? I don't know why the weakness in USD & the China X figures didn't help oil...
Wonder how many lots eur he was short when he called for 142.00 for today?
Probably none! That's how they all work. Except the other guy who is disclosing all his trades.
92.20 trendline support just got decimated. Hold tight fols. We will soon get the next support level posted.
Like I said, 93.50 later in the week, AFTER 92.20 is taken out. And I said this at 92.55!
The FX is a racket run by racketeers.
NFP old news now. European session tomorrow will be same as it has been for a week now. They will run stops against eur/usd and gbp/usd shorts. Notice how the european trash currencies are now hotter than currencies with valid fundamentals like Aud?
FX only running on techs now-no fundamentals. Why else would eur/usd be bought over 1.45, when they could have had it one trading day ago below 1.43?
Because everyone all of a sudden is pounding the table for 1.4560 and higher on eur/usd-the same folks who last Thursday were pounding the table for 1.4200, then 1.38 Eur/Usd.
The game is simple. Just pound the table and yell louder than your competition in any direction FX is moving.
Trades should be disclosed. No way he was short the gbp himself!