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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Posts: 316
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 20:31
ur poem makes me think DaveO :D in hopefully i am interpreting it correctly lol. south we GO
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 20:30
I have 200 DMA c. 4025 might invite a reaction.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 20:26
yeah giveme, definitely not a faders mkt at mo except possibly for small scalps, have to be very nimble with that though. Path of least resistance is wind blowing from the north and we on a run.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 20:19
Thx catnip. Its going to be an interesting week with the German court ruling on wednesday, the Obama speech, a Bernanke speech on thursday as well as the ECB rate setting and press conf.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 19:49
The parliamentary and electoral system is designed as such that maximum cost yields minimum efficiency thus that cost/efficiency= infinite
Seriously , no those elections do not harm Merkels' term of office but it shows support is rapidly dwindling that means voters are more aware of outcome of bailouts then Merkel.
However the reason of Euro weakness is clearly Libor. Further on Sept 7, Constitutional Court
reads its verdict on bailouts of Greece etc. . The plaintiffs are a group of rather sharp minded economists.
While it is mostly expected the verdict will support bailouts, it is not so sure because the judges
are members of political parties now at odds with Merkel. By constitution only, the bailouts are illegal. Even if the court supports bailout it will certainly enhance rights of parliament to either
confirm or reject individual bailouts. And that is why the recent election is so important.

Posts: 316
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 19:46
i don't know if EURUSD can sustain its range trade between 1.40-145 (or credible pullback) ... mho it may break towards 3946 as it breaks diff channel to a weekly support ...
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 18:35
CMC appear to be very competitive on spreads now, that's assuming good execution.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 15:04
Catnip, I don't understand your parliamentary and electoral system. I know the govnmt is by coalition and that's about it.

Merkel just had a bad result in a by-election ?

What is Merkel's position now? How long can she remain at the helm ?
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 14:54
Not technically but fundamentally ECB has little degree of freedom left. Fundamentally ECB must announce rate cut of .5% next thursday. Or print more liquidity than FEd ever did which is about the same.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Sep 5, 2011 14:37
I think anyone subscribing to the premium paid service would benefit from spending time researching the archives to get the whole "feel" for how technicals, correlations and fundamentals bias are pulled together. Then you are better equipped to judge which trade calls you wish to take. Sometimes these are many and frequent so its unlikely you would wish to select all. Other times require greater selectivity by Ashraf to protect his performance record. All depends where the various markets are positioned at any specific time. A filter to maximise results over each 12 month period if you like.

Nothing more damaging than over-trading when mkts are confused. Being selective pays dividends in the long run and we just have to build our self discipine to stick to our trade plan whatever that might be.

Following trade signal services blindfold is not a good plan. Do the "work" to understand exactly what is generating the signals. Imagine the service (however good) might some day come to an end for a variety of reasons. Then you are suddenly on yer own jack and open to making consistent losses instead of consistent profits. There is a huge difference between the two scenarios.

If I were in Ashraf's position I would not provide a free one week trial. Why? because it takes longer than a week to fully assess the true benefits.

I have known traders bumping from one signal service to the next and 5 yrs later they are still themselves comparitively ignorant incompetant traders. This is because they want to lean on others and avoid doing the necessary work to become independant.

Ashraf is currently providing a valuable service and the subscription charge is peanuts at $90/month. Should be able to cover that in no time at all. The point I make is to take advantage of the "education" whilst it exists and forget about wanting everything for nothing, finding ways of sidestepping a few measly dollars. Take a sub for 3 months to force yourself into a fair appraisal.

This is my message to yu hu hu.