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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 28, 2011 18:34
yes sub , below
Posts: 1078
14 years ago
Aug 28, 2011 16:42

i thought your fundamental view of Euro was parity and below.... :)
Posts: 195
14 years ago
Aug 28, 2011 13:44
DaveO, thank you.
It was an expensive lesson.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 28, 2011 12:03
From a fundamental point of view EURUSD is range bound 1.4 to 1.5
As posted earlier, a downtrend is invalidated if 1.454 breaks to upside. Otherwise down should target 1.3 eventually. However EURUSD has far too many political influences. Trader commitments and expectations play no role at all. EURUSD is NOT a free market.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 28, 2011 11:55
Sec of finance Schauble increasingly nervous about parlament vote on extension of bailout
EFSF faces opposition in all political parties. Bolstering banks balance sheets appears more and more as a bottomless hole. Some representatives understand soon there will be not
just future liabilities but REAL MONEY due around Eur 200 bln. And that is just the beginning.
His top confidential strategy paper demanded to bypass parliament vote.
Prepare for a "terrorist attack" to push a second version of 1933 enabling act....
but could even a lavish terrorist be lavish enough to squander a bullit for Merkel?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Aug 28, 2011 0:12
@jacek, no new nics pleeeeease. I like you as you are :-)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Aug 27, 2011 23:56

So you have learnt to your excessive expense that AL is not a trading god.

Frankly, if you lost 200k on the back of someone else's opinion then trading is not for you.

I don't mean to sound unsympathetic but if you trade the opinions of others without employing sensible stops you only have yourself to blame and I can guarantee you will ultimately be bankrupted.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Aug 27, 2011 23:36
"It is only a matter of time until Europe has a true crisis, which will happen faster BANG! than any of us can now imagine. Think Lehman on steroids. The US gave Europe our subprime woes. Europe gets to repay the favor with an even more severe banking crisis that, given that the US is at best at stall speed, will tip us into a long and serious recession. Stay tuned".

And Thoughts from Jackson Hole:-

Finally, and perhaps most challenging, the country would be well served by a better process for making fiscal decisions. The negotiations that took place over the summer disrupted financial markets and probably the economy as well, and similar events in the future could, over time, seriously jeopardize the willingness of investors around the world to hold U.S. financial assets or to make direct investments in job-creating U.S. businesses.
As I said, for a Federal Reserve Chairman, that is as close to reading the riot act as you are going to get.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 27, 2011 21:45
cat, do you know who own the most of eur bad debt, or you guess who own?

i know china dont hold much, guess less than 3 digits bln.
Posts: 1078
14 years ago
Aug 27, 2011 19:53
Euro looking bullish and trying to break to the upside... once it clears 4517... will likely extend to 4600/20 level b4 pulling back... 4450 will likely provide support(if any pullback) to push higher to 4600/20 level...