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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 22:32
and all government will turn to bad, US/UK just a question of time.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 22:30
dont play that poor trick to authoritarian government, someone did, and most of them dead.
Posts: 57
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 22:22
Every "purchase". Who's to say you didn't take some gold overseas and sell it?
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 20:48
Well every purchase of physical gold ( bullions ) and silver is registrated. The only chance to get by this is to smuggle gold coins from switzerland Canada etc. Thus Mr. treasury sec knows you have gold.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 20:46
my family only allowed to north korea, and some idiots really went to north korea, but most of them been shot because north korea thought they were chinese spy.

do you think that is funny?
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 20:43
in 1949, even your children maybe tell the party you hide gold in back yard.

and someone just dont have time to buy ticket to abroad. and like my family just cant back south korea, they can shot you by you look like a spy.

my grandfather spent 8 years in prison in 1960-70s. because they thought he maybe a japanese spy, he speak perfect well japanese like native, even better than chinese and korean, althought he almost lost his life in resistance guerrilla.

and, if you cant trade your gold, why you hold gold?
Posts: 57
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 20:29
How do they know you own any at all or where you hid it?
If it comes to social unrest, you won;t be in the country anyway, you'll be living off your gold in some other country.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 20:10
if you dont give up your gold, they will give you a bullet and find your gold themself...

or like china, you must sell your gold to government, private trade is illegal. but not like 1949, they dont give you a bullet, just take gold and send you in prison.

oh, forgive me, in 1960-70s they dont even give you a bullet for free, your family have to buy it for five cents RMB.
Posts: 57
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 17:25
cat - "They will confiscate it "
Just hide it, you don't have to give it to them.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Aug 21, 2011 12:50
cat..thanks for sharing....