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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Jul 27, 2011 1:41
ya dave i agree... obama did a smart thing goin on tv last night and spelling it out for the average citizen.basically saying republ want the average taxpayer to incur more debt and loss more social programs..i noticed that boehner never countered in response to obama wanting millionaire&billionaires to pay more lol.republ such a bunch of dirtbags i dont even know how he could go on tv.i think there playing a dangerous game in trying to make obama the reason for default.ok gl gt:)
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Jul 27, 2011 1:26
anyone thinkn default might end up being $$ pos+? i think it might be and as we loom without a deal big borrowers of that cheap fed money might be in a big rush to pay it back before interest rates go balistic..another reason is.. every1 is going to default in time due to the debt amount being soo massive its just gonna get ritten off as too big to figure out..trying natinalize a debt of these magnitudes is pointless at some point you can only place soo much debt onto each individual before it becomes interested to see what haoppens in the markets when all that cheap money unwinds before interest rates move up will we go back to the days of 300-400point moves lol like 08-09..ok thanks gl/gt:) did any1 read that link i posted to the pretty interesting read on eur and the potential of a black swan event..ok :)
Lemberg, Canada
Posts: 249
14 years ago
Jul 27, 2011 1:02
i never put you on ignore :)
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
14 years ago
Jul 27, 2011 0:12
More than 4,000 corrupt officials fled China in the late 30 years, with each stealing, on average, an estimate of 100 million yuan
More than 4,000 corrupt officials fled China in the late 30 years, with each stealing, on average, an estimate of 100 million yuan, the Peoples Daily reported, citing data from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
14 years ago
Jul 26, 2011 23:18
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Jul 26, 2011 23:12
there is a rise now in real estate sales in fl and the germans are here in force tus summer
wheere I live they have arrived on chartered flights, put up in models and they buy..
but only a tick on a bull;'s back overall..but the germans always get great deals..and they have large connect network re; visas, biz, community developmen, lots of german areas with their own brand of entertainment, many bavarians with the 'sunday beer' at the club..sportsmen....after americanized they loosen up :))

touched bottom in fl RE prices...very good deals..
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Jul 26, 2011 23:07
Nor..the feature I miss the most from fxnews is the 'ignore'option
junkie put me on ignore over 10 times :) and yanitsa my princess ew could really
bust digi, altho not that hard to do
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Jul 26, 2011 23:04
cat..u pick up stp? or whatz ur inside info reveal from dat german spy machine..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
14 years ago
Jul 26, 2011 23:02
G'day.. slow trading day eh?.. even Cat is talking options now!?.. buying 4550 put eh?.. marry it with my 4550 call and Cat and I have strangled euro.. so don't expect any major moves till august:-)
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Jul 26, 2011 23:02
yo no luff in dis sail....i b n in tight slot..but we flyin spiny now, just some nice ups and downs roll

reminds me of having a retired army general on board during very bad storm,
lashed tiller, visibility zero, begiing me to save prob mate...
sent him below, my girl was playin cards LOL