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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 22:25
and the OCO reads in full
EURUSD limit sell 13537 tp 47 pip sl -22 pip
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 22:23

i don't need to be a pro... all i know.. i can consistently increase my capital...
no need to be like you... so hungry for attention and recognition.. trying so hard to sound like a pro.. only real newbies will initially think youve got some stuff.. but sooner or later they'll realize you're nothing but a crap....

yes CAT.. i must admit you're definitely a pro... a professional clown... :)
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 22:22
ur martinique chicken needs some clean air policy.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 22:17
sub...don't give up so soon...yes you can become a pro.
But trading can be detrimental to mental health, if any.
Ok. EURUSD limit buy 1.3605 sl 13544 tp 13730
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 22:06

no need for those kind of crap from you.... and most members here know your crappy calls....
technicals can point out precise moves within the bigger trend.... i can assure you i definitely have better margin than you.... WAIT.... you could have a bigger margin than me... the only difference is you're in the negative territory....

LIKE I'VE SAID OVER AND OVER AGAIN... PERFORMANCE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.... and you definitely have nothing to support your claims...

keep talking CAT and keep proving your stupidity...
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 20:11
money market has it all. One could indeed trade only liquidity crunch. That is 100% predictable
what to trade no need to care for entry . Problem is twofold: your broker if it is a direct broker
working interbank won't give you prices as interbank trade freezes ( think Lehman).
If it is a market maker you will be offered prices which do not reflect the actual market as interbank trade volume approaches zero.
The ideal 100% trade envirnment is a money/credit market sweet spot. Thus, gifted traders will
create a formula to calculate the offset from sweet spot as a risk assessment long short
and trade size resulting from chance to risk ratio or simply value at risk.

This is a free advice. Don't give up you can still become a pro.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 18:23

i just think you can't help being dumb....
if you really see one way trade for Euro... going down.. down down... below parity...

shouldn't you just have one strategy? short.. short... short Euro?

are you really that stupid? or are confined in an institution(no need to mention what kind of institution) just lacking a lot of attention?

so... next question is.... when do you expect Euro to fall below parity? next week? next month? next quarter? next year? what is it CAT? i don't wanna hear answer like within 10 or 100 years... :)

you don't need to take me seriously... but i think you seriously need professional help...

Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 18:14
i can't help it I cannot take you serious sub
fx is 100% free of sentiment it is all value at risk
and matter of fact is the long term value at risk of Eur is much much higher than var of USD.
The only way to change that is a big bang--restructuring , haircuts. Then EUR will plunge way below parity to the USD but will fall on safe ground.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 18:06
LOL... :)

nice one cat....

after so many outs... you've finally realized something?
don't sound like the arrogant cat anymore.... playing it very safe...

but you still haven't answered my question..... since you've mentioned 1.20 and 1.50 level.... where do we go from here? like i've been mentioning.. long term fundamentals don't just flip flop..... if you really are a true fundamentalist and can fully understand and grasp the long term fundamentals... you should have a definite answer without going back and forth between 1.20 and 1.50....

anyway... good to see the potential for you changing for the better... :)
and try to respect techies... coz i can make you look stupid most of the time...

gl and have a profitable week CAT!
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 6, 2011 17:30
I had no algebra for influences of interbank rates on currencies.
Now it becomes more clear how sov bond rates CDS rate differentials determine the value at risk of currencies.
But I can say PBOC and ECB were at the brink of collapse. It appears that the value at risk of Euro is reduced temporally with the huge liquidity injection thus EUR relative strength must
raise as such that EURUSD will go up to 13750 . I calculate tp there but no sell opportunity.
However upto Wed cable long is a safe bet as well, and so is GBPJPY.
It is not possible that ECBs liquidity injection holds longer than at most two months. It is also likely PBOC is forced to act upon return from fishing.