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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Posts: 1078
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 4:59
In reply to digi's post
i guess we got confirmation to short Euro.... :)
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 3:37
In reply to digi's post

LOOK AT THE studies
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 3:35
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 3:04
In reply to digi's post
digi..hope u dont go on a workplace rampage and shoot all ur sheep.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 3:00
In reply to GreenFX's post
yo greenspam..u still have access to pre speech copy from ur broz in dc?

eh green?
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 2:51
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
1 hr tunnel has caught up to last fridays close before the 3302/05 so would be good tp for current 3337 short trade..with fed stop on short at 3385/80..
partial tp on short at 3323...

thats my plan....but I have my dinghy in tow for sudden abandon ship order....captain later..
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 2:18
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
euro 15 min tunnel momo model

last two times hitting tunnel it rallied.. (mid 15min tunnel 144 169 Ema.....current 3347...

so if breaks tunnel south could add to shorts...but would short higher again 20/25 pips from tunnel
which would be 25/30 pips higher..

small form momentum plan...short bias
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 1:41
In reply to DaveO's post

this is intere-sting
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 0:48
USDCAD still expecting 1.0200, possibly 1.0120 before move up above 1.0600. It all rather suggests further usd weakness for the next week or two
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 0:44
USDJPY still working its triangle with maybe visit to the base again c.97.60/30 ish to end the 4 month wave 4 consolidation