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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Sydney, Australia
Posts: 348
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 22:55
anyone is shorting euro dollar atm? whats ur positions entry? long term or short term?
Lisbon, Qatar
Posts: 58
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 22:39
Perhaps China is "helping" out the Ezone so that maybe at some point the EU in return will remove the Arms Embargo against them...
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 21:59
little knowledgement from us------------ "if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for a very miserable time, the planet just cant sustain it."
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 21:53
"The worst that could happen in terms of uncontrollable inflation is weak USD"---------------this could make sense why usd not going up as we expected.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 21:47
the worest thing in china could be change government (which i hope so), several months riots all over country, short of food especially in meat supply...if so, i should back to china asap...

Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 21:17
weak USD isn't good for China . The worst that could happen in terms of uncontrollable inflation
is weak USD and weak US economy. China could try to profit from widening economical divergences in Eurozone. Sell more China products to ever poorer PIIGS. But this is rather speculative as it would have big effects on german ad french midcap industries , which depend on exports to Ezone. Unemployment would raise and eventually there is no economy who could
pay for ESFS and voila Ezone dead and Euro dead. But anyway we don't know how bad things are in China.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 21:07
Have a good weekend all. Martin Luther King US holiday on Monday.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 21:04
no, you were right.

" The Rover Group plc was the name given in 1986 to the British state-owned vehicle manufacturer previously known as British Leyland or BL. Owned by British Aerospace from 1988 to 1994, when it was sold to BMW, the Group was broken up in 2000 with the Rover and MG marques being acquired by the MG Rover Group."
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 20:58
strong euro and weak usd benefit both us and china. if china really in, we should say goodbye to euro short. and wait for us debt crisis blow.

but currency much more easily manipulate by country who print them. and this could also be a reason why china not really in.

in china, government try to control inflation by some different methods, maybe by confine food supply, or property tax...
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 14, 2011 20:51
When BMW bought the Mini they also bought the old Pressed Steel Cowley plant for their new production line. This may be our confusion, my visit to the new Mini production plant.