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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 19:39
current rate 3363 with last sig highs at 3432 3497..sht squeeze exhaust now with these levels as stops
on euro short now high prob...not much ante/risk to enter a decent looking sh area..
many indicators pointing south as well as momentum systems also..bumping on trendline top of channel
looks obvious so high caveat stick to stops till trend decides itself..allow market to lead....

fwiw dept...
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 19:20
As far as i am concerned i am still trying to figure out the trading techniques the best and most fruitful i have found is adding small positions in pairs like usdjpy who are at market extremes and other pairs which tend to move within a 1000 pip range such as eurgbp. Volatile pairs like eurusd are not my type and i hardly trade eurusd .
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 18:53
Agreed Dave O and besides those slippages some major moves across the board are not small traders friendly and are well planned moves by big fish to eat small fish, BIG BROKERS AGAINST SMALL BROKERS e.t.c big traders against small traders. The guy who understands this and moves along these big fish direction becomes a winner.

For one moment just look at the price move up we all are sitting in a global market how many of individual traders wanted to go long euro, i bet max 20 % so who moved euro 400 plus pips with such strong momentum we cant because even if we want to buy euro we cannot time it so perfectly so no doubt we are all part of a corrupt system made to take money out of our hands well if u understand that u will become a good trader .
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 18:36
some forex brokers use a Virtual Dealer Plugin to apply asymmetrical slippage automatically on all trade transactions. was one such large broker who were found out and fined by the US regulator. Always use a regulated broker. At least that gives us some protection.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 18:20
And I wouldn't mind betting that Ashraf is feeding more information to the CMC trading boys than they to him (assuming they trade themselves). I would expect he gets some help with keeping an eye on many charts like they alert him when an MA crosses or whatever.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 18:09
I have quite a few spreadbet and forex broker accounts, both dealer desk and ECN, so I can compare data across the board. I don't believe the CMC dealer desk op have wide scope for manipulating prices. What they might do is to mess with you on spreads and requotes at point of execution. An ECN broker pretty much mirrors the "real" market if they are using good size liquidity banks. I doubt that CMC would ever be more than 5 pips adrift of the real market. The biggest variations are seen with news spikes where spreads can vary enormously.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 17:54
unless you trade directly, always have someone eat your cookies. :)

trust me, i am a graduate in software engineering, used to ate someone's cookies in campus. ^-^
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 17:36
Pip i dont trade with CMC , however i dont rule out the possibility of forex companies playing dirty thats exactly wat happens when u hand over a glass cookie jar to a boy and he can see all the cookies , i bet he will try to eat as much as he can and this is exactly wats happening right now . Some one is eating the cookies. I learned it when i started trading so here is the tip i trade small, keep ur risks limited .

If you want to know my opinion i would not like to be stuck with this euro short right now but here i am in the middle of it , markets dont move in a straight line thats fair and square so i am holding to see some red candles and try to evaluate if its a correction or a reversal and than cancel my positions.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 17:23
Ashraf: If you do recall, EURUSD broke above its 55-week MA during the last 2 weeks of December as well as during the 1st week of Jan But DID NOT END the WEEK above those levels.

The week starting the 26th December EURUSD closed at 1.3392, the 55-week MA was 1.3324, so it did close above the 55-week MA. It didn't close above the 55-week MA in the first week but it did the last week of December and it didn't come near it the second last week of December.
Illinois, United States
Posts: 9
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 17:07
Or he may be just running your stops if you happen to be a client of CMC...I just don't like Ashraf's rationale for his calls....everybody know where S&R I believe....but it's just stucking to crap and taking a long time change his idea...Typical example was Gold last year...and that I use as Ashraf not knowing nothing...and stopped listening him for a while and now I came back and it's the same thing with GBP...You just can't just look on H4 and call the have to look at your longer TF, like the daily & weekly...I learn from the best I learn from you....I'm fed up with you BSing us now!!! Don't call tops...cause it's like catching a falling dagger...know your significant S&R levels...and when market gather enough momentum it sure can break those levels...