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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 18:41
In reply to DaveO's post
Copy that about the family...but a good 30/45 day trip would be nice during winter....and you will have peeps there already..and 'quarters' with me......that is a plan....
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 18:30
In reply to DaveO's post
I am doomed to sink with the sinking ship, even though I aint the captain.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 18:28
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
Blimey, stuffy brits in caymen, I can imagine lol. Pirate possibilities--now yer talkin. Yep I have heard all about Panama attributes, very tempting but for family ties back in the ole uk.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 18:16
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
remaining 3067 sh..1/2 stopped also at 2999 ..gave up a few on trail...
going back to 90% gunjack :)

Yeah Dave...researched Cay, Pan from a few diff is in a 'zone' altho tropics, hurricanes never hit, ever..nice for much upside commerce on "offices' in Panama City..
huge banking...has the whole S. Amer. at it's backside...with 'cash flow' no problem...

Most inexpensive country standard of living ...and luxury at a big discount now...

Gotta do something...Jam has drawbacks...Cay too stuffy for me...(Brits) lol

Panama good pirate possibilities....


N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 17:25
EU reacts at the 70.7% level 1.2967
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 16:15
In reply to Qingyu's post
Yeah, he is spot on but why lagging yrs behind Mauldin. Been discussing this stuff since well before 2007, before Obama made matters worse for the US. Same problems apply for UK, just different #'s.

I think this is where AL site is entirely unsuitable for the macro perspective--deals with the here and now with not a care for the real fundamentals. Some of us have passion for our countries of origin and hate to see the damage intensified by the actions of our leaders. Difference between grabbing short term gains, wam-bam-thank-you-mam and marriage :-)
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 15:35
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 14:37
break below...a lot of EU long under water :)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 14:21
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
If I remember correctly his pad is 45 mins drive NE of David, he be a nature lover and boater/fisherman. I almost mentioned this area to you for research when u considered the caymans. I know nufink, just keep my eyes and ears open on american traders wishing to relocate. Mauldin's buddy Doug Casey has much to say on the subject, I believe he has a luxury base in Brazil or Argentina.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013 14:08
In reply to cat0nip's post
cat, did I see EU has introduced regulation to outlaw high frequency trading ?