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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Apr 9, 2012 13:33
Freshman mathemtician unveils secret of Bernanke Draghi, and Schauble!
How could the english landlord accommodate 11 guest in 10 rooms such that not any guest share a room with another?
Division by zero!
Thats what they do. They divide any number in a confusing arithmetics somewhere by the not existing capital ( zero) and get 1 trillion !
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
Apr 8, 2012 21:03
usd/jpy been short since 82.40
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Apr 8, 2012 20:05
I see some chance in long JPY because of north korea missile and a bomb test. Last time North korea launched a missile in direction of Japan JPY made some hundred pips.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
Apr 8, 2012 19:39
cat, I understand what you are getting at and when u look at the spx risk guage since the December low we have not seen any normal retracements, about maximum ret has been 2.5% and the vix hardly moves. Nevertheless I think trading 100 pip moves in forex will be the best strategy. Sometimes we might get lucky and be caught in a deeper move either direction. With all the QE in whatever form it is hardly surprising that the mkt character has changed.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
Apr 8, 2012 13:14
DaveO..:) My patriotism unquestioned..but we must consider what is good for the "Realm'.

Have a nice Easter everyone....

Your friend,

Sir Ignore..
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012 22:16
I am quite baffled about a special situation. The VIX is low and possibly keeps down. Bond yields are low, too. Gold does not rise. As VIX is measured by prices ( or premiums) o out the money options a low VIX means not complacency but that big moves of the index are unlikely
so the premium on call and puts out the money is low. That is low risk of loosing and equally low chance of profit. Further as bond yields are determined by price, and the price is high,
consequently yield is low. Low yield indicates also low risk. Thus the strategy appears no one wants to make profits, the focus is on not to loose money. What are the implications for fx trading? Methinks , contrary to many soothsayers, one cannot make profits with currency trading either because there won't be big moves. That could indicate to trade range options
which return profit if the price stays in a range . This works however only with trading of options
on futures.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012 19:06
Hey skipper, careful we don't rename you Casius. You wouldn't want to lose your knighthood now would you :-)

Agree about book cooking and it has shown clearly in NYSE breadth etc which would suggest serious players are not stupid. Seen all this before in 02 to 07.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012 15:38
hmmmm..interesting that POTUS team did not 'cook' dem books this time...
progressives have no restraints....and Ben reduced to tool..a vey good tightrope walker..

fabulous weather here in SWFL this great Holiday weekend....

Have a good one, y'all

from 'the prettiest'
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012 1:08
Yes Dr Ben vindicated in his stance that jobs market still weak. His voice seems to have been lost this year with overly euphoric commentary from others in his team.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Apr 6, 2012 21:21
I wouldn't bet on QE3 despite of NFP way below expectations. Didn't Dr. Ben just tell that in FOMC minutes?
Rather focus on the Netherlands coming under pressure.
The nfp has as usual driven JPY up and CAD down. long CAD and AUD did well but I think commodity currencies will start to falter ..bad nfp China slowdown. I don't trade before monday
but wll go short commodity crosses.