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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Mar 2, 2012 12:00
Holdup CDS grques

Comme BullCambFx le prssentait l'agence ISDA qui rgule le march des assurances du crdit (CDS) nous annonce avec le "sourire" que : "La restructuration de la dette grques n'est pas un vnement de crdit, ni mme un dfaut partiel". Autrement dit l'agence donne le message claire que les assurances contre le risque de dfaut n'entreront pas en garantie. Pour les investisseurs qui dtenaient de la dette grecques la perte va tre de 53.6% sur la dette elle meme + les primes d'assurances CDS qu'il avaient vers pour se couvrir. Par consquent, Citigroup, Bank of Amrica, JP Morgan Chase et autre Goldman Sachs qui sont les assureurs n'auront pas payer !
Publi le 01.03.2012 17:48
Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Mar 1, 2012 13:46
new range would likely be in play for sometime.....

play the 3200~3450....

continuation down would see test of 3220 where i expect a bounce.....

a healthy correction would be an ABC correction where

A would target 3220 then correction back up to 3430/40(B) then test of 3180/3200 b4 continuing higher...

only clear break and close below the main support line would pose some problems for the bulls and may be initial signal for resumption of downtrend... only break of 2974 confirms.....
Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Mar 1, 2012 13:39
break below 3290 could accelerate to the downside and see test of 3220 level.....
back above 3350 would see test of 3420/40.....
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
Mar 1, 2012 13:29

weekly last 3 tops including this one all same candle pattern...lower top formed now capped 3500
looking deep...low 20's..

4 hr short.3375/38..posis.....made dosh on 4 hr model in retracement..

now shorts under 3475....short on rallies..

from Kahl......
Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Mar 1, 2012 1:08
break of 3389 triggered shorts...

and next significant support runs around 3280/90 level.... to the upside... 3400/20 level now becomes the resistance level....

only clear break and close below 3280 area would see bigger pullback to 3220/30 area or possibly 3150 area( break of 3199 signals wave from 2974 has ended).... this pullback should be treated as a correction until main support(2974) is broken.... if broken... would see next leg lower to 2300/2400 area...

vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
13 years ago
Mar 1, 2012 0:42
I am more inclide to sell with target of 1.26 and stop loss 1.35
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 29, 2012 20:23
3333 buy or sell, this is a question...
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Feb 29, 2012 19:50
ECB open spigot and FED reverse repo ... still EUR long anyone? But at this level no short entry yet.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
Feb 29, 2012 19:00
right Dave...1 hr signaled end of longs 3143 when 8 crossed down on 21....approx 3440/44 area..

now 4 hr signal shorts with this candle validating now

charts foreknowledge of blah....

as said move coordinated ahead of price action via shared sentiment..

85F light worry mon...
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
Feb 29, 2012 18:20
Skipper 4hr model triggering short eu while 1hr departs tunnel