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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 1558
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Discuss JPY
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 21:20
I just buy every 100 pips down. New long at 77 :)
St. Catherine, Jamaica
Posts: 156
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 21:20
It's rough to be buying in these markets!!
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 21:15
@Xaron be careful pal...the BoJ have not intervened and that is a slightly worrying sign. Think Ashraf touched on it in a tweet, they could be willing to let the yen run and then intervene when no one expects to burn USDJPY shorts. But when that will happen who knows....just seen USDJPY print in the hi 77s on the spot market...something has happened!!
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 21:15
Another long at 78 o_O
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 21:02
Went long here at 79.36. What a bargain!
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 21:00
Gold is not altogether straightforward. It is effected by many things not least miners and bank/sovereign holdings. It doesn't always play safe haven. Its natural correlation is to move up with stock bull runs and down with stock bear runs taken over the very long term. At times when there is great fear in the mkts it will revert to safe haven and inverse correlation. The position now is considering the recent decline in stocks gold is holding up pretty well. Ashraf has made a good call on the VIX which you might have noted but if you look at the vix back to 2008 you will see it has been trading very low indeed as compared to times of great fear in the mkts. The mkt is only in early stages of fear with the japan crisis and middle east disruptions. Hope this helps.

Gamma, I agree at times like this it is prudent not to take risk. The UJ, UC etc will tip cap when reversing. We don't need to fade current trends attempting to catch an exact low/high.
Douglas, Isle of Man
Posts: 82
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 20:14
helo rim 80 is tuff cluster of res in usdjpy...i realy want long this pair but is so risk, bcos o/night who know what happen now in our crazy world..maybe nukelear blast in fukushima and usd will colapse
Posts: 121
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 19:35
Dear Ashraf ,

Asyou see CHF and JPY are stronger ever as safe haven , but why gold not ? Gold is loosing its safe haven status ?

Douglas, Isle of Man
Posts: 82
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 17:14
usdjpy brief broke 80...v soon all time hi will take out. wonder if BoJ will intervene 2nite
Douglas, Isle of Man
Posts: 82
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 11:36
Yen has bucked trend of being sold off as repatriation demand is seeing it surge against usd...but if these nukelear disaster get worse only so long yen can get strong..