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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 3119
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Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)

Discuss Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Sep 20, 2011 22:19
you are doing something wrong. One CANNOT trade a NOK cross like an EUR USD GBP...cross
because NOK has very low liquidity. Norske central bank does not print Norway Kroner in excess.
The bank does not buy bonds. When you trade a pair with high liquidity such as EURUSD this is easier to predict. But NOK supply is very small. When you trade NOK you should not do it on fx but with options and be patient. You need to understand the general trend which is only fundamental it is not to be seen in charts. When global recession is ahead you would not want to be long in NOK. It will plunge even vs weak Euro in long term. But when EUR is unreliable
then you'll go NOK long, i.e. EURNOK short. One can make very good profit with NOK cross but only if you trade fundamentals.
Posts: 195
13 years ago
Sep 20, 2011 21:34
Today I am finally cutting out all of currency trading.
Being so stupid and asking for personal advice on this forum and to Alaidi was the dumbest thing I have ever done.
Many times I asked for shorting JPY against NOK, then he said it was no good idea. The next move was 8% decline in JPY.
Now that I asked about the CHF/NOK he only claimed it will go higher and some others here did not beleive the pegging of CHF to EUR would work either. Well just 2 weeks later it dropped from 7.82 to 6.17!!!!
Well, I am the idiot listening to these advice. It costed me extremly.
But this is all bullshit. Al do NOT have a clue about NOK. That is my opinion and this forum is fading away also.
Now I will leave this forum and never come back again. I am finished with currency! Finally!
Good luck to you all nad goodbye.
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 20, 2011 11:57
might try to close the gap now..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 19, 2011 23:35
short target done.. but looks very much lower from here..

"support at $1.0150 ahead of further bids at $1.0085/80 and barrier interest at $1.0010/00 with stops set on a break.."

Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 19, 2011 0:27
thx dave.. but doesn't feel like a range to me.. (gee blank spaces in these charts are annoying..:-)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
Sep 19, 2011 0:09
wedged between that and the 200dma at c.1.040
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
Sep 19, 2011 0:07
On daily that 1.020 level seems pretty firm ignoring the 9th Aug spike low
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 18, 2011 23:41
aussie dropped down to lower trendline and also a pivot support below 1.03 this morning.. still not sure of the direction though..
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Sep 16, 2011 19:46
s&p (1hr) uptrend looks to be riskn a reversay neet to see a close below 1209 then i think i;ll step in and long usdcad..s&p currently @1212.5:( if trend continues will wait for 9775..ok gl/gt:)
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Sep 16, 2011 18:05
usdcad showing strong support @9770-80 gonna dip my toes tight stop @break of 9750.but could bounce here and try to regain the 786+127.2-.9803-06.ok gl/gt