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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Forum Topic:
Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Stop in on EuroThread and tell me what you been doing. I miss your rants and tantrums. lol
login: ashraf
password: goldcrude
On Gold Techs: 21:30 mins
On S&P500 cyclicals is at 40:00 mins
Iran is homeland of criminal Russian mafia and Iran is full to the brim with hi tech Russian
weaponry .... inclusive of hacking techniques.
Forget high oil for years.
bloomberg writes
The most frightening prospect raised by what appears to be a largely intact Sentinel is that the Iranians second claim about how they brought it down -- by hacking into its controls and landing it themselves -- might be true, said a U.S. intelligence official, who spoke only on the basis of anonymity because the RQ-170 is part of a Secret Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) program, a classification higher than Top Secret.
Hacking Claim
The official said the possibility that the Iranians or someone else hacked into the drones satellite communications is doubly alarming because it would mean that Iranian or other cyber-warfare officers were able to disable the Sentinels automatic self-destruct, holding pattern and return-to-base mechanisms. Those are intended to prevent the planes secret flight control, optical, radar, surveillance and communications technology from falling into the wrong hands if its controllers at Creech Lake Air Force Base or the Tonopah Test Range, both in Nevada, lose contact with it.