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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
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Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
pleased with the forecast.
" Eliminating stop-loss orders may be one of the steps regulators will take in an attempt to prevent another so-called flash crash, according to a white paper published Friday. Analysts at Themis Trading identified four major recommendations that they believe Securities and Exchange Commission staff will make in response to the events of May 6. Most notably, they said, officials may want to scrap stop-loss orders. "[Stop-loss] orders were not the cause of the flash crash per se, but they resulted in enormous damage to many unsuspecting traditional investors. The SEC has indicated that it may require market order 'collars,' effectively converting market orders into limit orders," they wrote."
@Asad & AMG I agree USD rally is well overdue but we are in a race to the bottom (currency wise) and until that plays out will sit tight and only take small positions
Obviously, if gold & oil are to tank (in coming days), USD will have to shoot up! Agree...
i am still in the process of trying to be a trader and a good trader
i read that what makes a good one is HUMILITY so i decided to cultivate it
being humble means that one accepts that they r better guys than us and that we can be better from time to time to others, that some are in higher position and others in lower position, that market is always right and when something is not going our way we r wrong.
it i snot about saying something and IGNORing for a while what u predicts
i am still in the process of learning.