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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
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Discuss USD
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 7:48
Station D

Have you looked at Aud/Usd - Whatare your thoughts on playing this pair today - Up or down

London, UK
Posts: 715
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 7:20
Morgan Stanley Explains How The Yuan Hike Will Lead To More Easy Money In America

Now that China has goaded the yuan-bulls with prospects of a near-term yuan-dollar exchange rate adjustment, it faces the risk of 'perverse' capital inflows according to Morgan Stanley's Manoj Pradhan.

Given that the U.S. and Europe will likely maintain extremely accommodative monetary policies, liquidity created by these regions could end up exacerbating China's capital inflow situation. (As 'AAA liquidity' described below)

Morgan Stanley:
Importing AAA liquidity: Capital flows into China may be exacerbated thanks to an unlikely source the euro area. Sovereign risks from the euro area have probably prompted not just the ECB but also the Fed to stay on hold for longer, keeping the AAA liquidity regime intact. The fast-growing economies of the world, particularly the ones with fixed or relatively stable exchange rates, import this excess liquidity, and China is high up on that list.

Which means more foreign exchange reserves China will probably park in U.S treasuries...

In the near future, more capital inflows, higher reserves and lower yields are the likely outcome. As capital inflows increase, Chinas system of capital and credit controls will probably lead to an increase in the size of its holdings of foreign exchange reserves. We believe that at least some of these reserves are likely to find their way back into bond markets, keeping yields anchored. Despite an extremely volatile period in developed markets, US markets and even euro area markets remain a favored destination thanks to their size and depth.

And thus downward pressure on U.S. long-term interest rates... ie. a bias towards easier money in the U.S. financial system. It looks like the U.S. Federal Reserve can continue to rely on China's currency regime as an easy-money ally. Until the day when the yuan doesn't look like a one-way bet, any prospect of a yuan-dollar adjustment will only attract even more capital, creating more Chinese reserves, and thus more potential demand for U.S. treasuries.

London, UK
Posts: 715
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 9:52
Buddy Euro is already lowest, I agree with Yen CAD and Aussie but not Euro.

Im buying EuroSterling right now

I got losses going on in eurchf Euro better fall for now. You see the weekly pivot for euro is playing the key resistance so far and at the same time above it there's buying eyed.

Gold im expecting side ways and took nice profits yesterday around 1224, wont buy will hold old longs possibly 1218 next will add another position.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 9:36
Yes yes we will see a lower value of the USD but also lower values of EUR JPY CAD AUD ( perhaps not GBP) that is called co-devaluation
FX trade reduce to the question which is at the moment a little less dead then the other ?
London, UK
Posts: 715
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 9:12
Xaron just like we talked back back in may end of June we will see a weaker dollar and USDindex
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 8:25
Something very interesting (at least for me):

Some snippets:


July 1st marks the tipping point of the Great State Meltdown.


For years, 48 states have borrowed too much and spent too much just like the Federal Government. But the key difference is: they cant print their own money to pay the bills.

And to make matters worse BY LAW they must balance their budgets by July 1st.


So I scratch my head about the impact this could have. I guess this could lead to some Yen strength due to risk aversion?

Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 23, 2010 21:50
I checked CDS on troubled eurozone sov bonds and these magically came down. Shorts have covered at 1232 and USDx should be softer I expect EURUSD to fade out 123 to 1235 for now.
EURCAD went quite well thus at least I assume EUR is in the next couple of days not an immediate sell off candidate. Next month will be different as the austerity in Greece and Spain
is obviously choking the economy so I expect severe social unrest.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 23, 2010 21:45
a fallback or a masterpiece call it as u want
havent u felt it few months ago during the hearing.

lets see the behaviour during a short uncorrelated period
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
15 years ago
Jun 23, 2010 20:44
@Catnip: I guess you are long (although it was possible to make some pips in either or both directions today).

What is your target / where do you see it going?
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 23, 2010 20:35
anyway eurusd made me 100 pips so far and i expect more.
Volcker plan...naa Volcker had too good insights in connection of ecnomy and monetary policy.
Not yet. He's fallback joker.