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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 2338
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Discuss USD
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
14 years ago
Aug 11, 2011 1:17
and yo-yo game continues.. sell dollars day today?..
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 20:14
Aside from some other gloomier language about the U.S. recovery, the Federal Reserve did little else in response to heightened fears about a global economic slowdown.

No QE3 , and time. The stock and commodity markets will need a day or so to realize the FED didn't mention neither fresh nor more liquidity. Thus short stocks
DOW NAS100 RUS2000 EURSTOX is the trade , as well as gold short etc.
Could be in the homely atmosphere of Jackson hole Dr.Ben unrolls more liquidity but until then short is the game. Especially for Eurozone that comes back into spotlight.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 19:35
yrah, banks these days dont understand the meaning of a loan. They need to go back to kindergarten.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 19:23
force bank lend can only produce another crisis based on bad debt! just have a look of china!
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 18:48
What makes sense is option 3 and 4.
QE3 makes no sense at all in the light of funding the lifted debt ceiling.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 18:32
Although Bernanke said the cost/benefit analysis of further QE is not justified, the Fed simply cannot afford to deprive markets from any remaining stimulus, especially at a time when fiscal policy has run outcourtesy of Republicans insistence of suing only spending cuts and not tax hikes. The 4 options for the Fed are 1) more QE, 2) cutting interest on bank reserves in order to force them to lend; 3) Operation Twist whereby selling short-term treasuries & buying long term ones in order to flatten yield curve; 4) adding TIME .

4) adding TIME .element to statement by indicating Fed will hold securities for an extended period of time, or simply say they will not start selling UNTIL..GDP growth or inflation show marked improvement. The Fed could also further downgrade its growth forecasts in order to trigger mkt expectations that more further stimulus lies ahead. Although there is no FOMC meeting scheduled in August, the Fed can use the Aug 26 Jackson Hole economic symposium of world central bankers and economists to deliver an inter-meeting policy change (if markets are selling off hard as was the case in August 2007). REGARDLESS, most fixed income traders (not necessarily economists) are persuaded that a double dip is around the corner, and only full-fledged QE3 will help support stocks. ANY SIGN that Bernanke will not show this, would weigh on equities and place a temporary cap on metals to the benefit of the US dollar. Our Tuesday Premium trades hit all targets in EURGBP GBPJPY, gold..see the rest of the trades in Premium section

Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 11:46
The usual suspects still go on with emergency intervention by FED....
you can tell a very bad manager easily: he has just one assumption and NO fallback plan.
Is the US economy downgraded? Not at all. It is as bad as ever. Why then are UST bought and USD
when US credit worthiness is downgraded, and stocks are sold?
Think twice, that yields a fallback plan.
godofmonster hotmail
Hong Kong
Posts: 1
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 4:46
Will FOMC down the interest 0.25% after the meeting?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Aug 9, 2011 0:39
Today NYSE advancing issues 44 versus declining issues 3115 (unchanged 17)

That must surely be a record.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Aug 8, 2011 20:32
yeah, good call cat.