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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Jan 1, 2011 0:30
Comments: 1846
This thread was started in response to the :

Ashraf's Book: Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis

Ashraf's Book: Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis
qamishli, Syria
Posts: 25
14 years ago
May 11, 2011 23:35

N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
May 11, 2011 1:40
All understood Ashraf. I wish you well with the transition which is unavoidably complexed and you are aware of the various sensitivities in play.
Ashraf Laidi
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
May 11, 2011 0:25

Thanks for your ongoing comments and feedback as always.

Regarding the navigation from premium and non-premium section, I believe the problem of inconvenience is related to the fact that you get timed out fairly faster from the paid section faster than months ago.. This is due to the increasing demands on the site. We will overhaul the skeleton of the website later this Spring to overcome this problem.

As for not sending out an email about the new Premium product, we have YET TO send this out but the delay has been due to different grouping of our mailing lists. You are right to not the strangeness of not sending an email. We have our reasons and we will do so soon.
You should NOT have any problem using our archives to look for charts. All IMTs and Articles are archived for the past 3 years (this website was born on the week Lehman died). You can also go to to see prev charts.
Last but not least, the topic of susbscribers feeling theyre are paying for nonsubscribers, that is a good point. But allow me to remind you of the following:

i) I have reduced my trading calls on @alaidi,

ii As for @alaidiPremiumFX, we will begin blocking access to those followers (because @alaidiPremiumFX is private feed) in the few weeks to come and allow access only to those who pay for the Intermarket Insights part of the Premium Package.

This process is not simple and will take time.

iii) the analysis on the Premium page is more trading and analysis oriented than the IMTs, which focus on giving previews and reviews.

I will, however, continue to provide trading ideas on@alaidi, albeit not at the same frequency as before the Premium was created.

Once again, I appreciate your feedback & constructive criticism. I welcome more of it from all readers. Some people are not happy that I am not around as much as on Twitter ie providing trading ideas and analysis for free as was the case over the past 13 years.

Bear in mind that we are in the embryonic stage of this Premium stage of the website and there is plenty of work to be done. Thanks for your patience.

Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 14:29

Our web people tell me they have contacted you and everything is resolved. They said that you did not

Here is how it works:

AshrafLaidi sends the User to the INFO about the purchase.. Once payment is made, Paypal sends the user back to saying that the purchase was completed..Use must press button that says "Return to Intermarket Strategy".

If for whatever reason, the user does not come back to from paypal via their buttons, does not know that they made a payment...and we would have to check manually to make sure that uses have paid and have access.

We have been using this payment capability since 2009 and it has not caused any issues to our users.

We hope it is now resolved.

Dave, I believe i addressed those concerns you have raised in an earlier forum thread. I agree w. the need for the site to be overhauled. But I WILL get back to you on those other points.

dubai, United Arab Emirates
Posts: 36
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 12:45
Hi ashraf... it tells me im not subscribed i also put the payment order through paypal... since early morning ive been curiously waiting to read ur standpoints and views in gold and silver and currencies... as the market is quite confusing today... and it tells me am not subscribed i dont understand... may be there is a problem coz i confirmed my subscription! please help!
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 11:40
Also having trialled the mini bullets I think it very important you follow through the pop up window idea you mentioned. I run 8 screen rig but I can't imagine how traders using 1 or 2 screens would cope.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 11:34
Its not very practical moving back and forth from the forum and free archive tabs to the subscriber protected log-in. Even having an additional explorer tab for the is not ideal for moving backwards and forwards and especially having to repeatedly log in. Navigating the various sections simply doesn't flow for keeping up with everything in a timely manner. One's overall feeling is can I be bothered to do this.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 11:11
Ashraf, I try to give "constructive" comments but you have to forgive sarcasm or abrasion sometimes. You never send out a personal email to your followers/subscribers to build goodwill. A good time to do this is when someone subscribes and your welcome message can include various instructions which the paypal response does not do for you. Dealing with paypal alone is not like receiving a note from the man himself.

I agree with Sarah that your site needs overhaul so you could mention your plans in this respect to request forebearance. Failing some degree of personal communication comes across as you don't give a sh*t whether your customers come or go so you are inviting a high loss rate before you even start.

Just thoughts !

Now I shall find a few minutes to see whether I can find a proper archive in the site which contains all your charts going back to when you started this platform.

I anticipate a future problem with subscribers feeling they are paying for your non subscribers to receive much of the general analysis you provide via twitter, via the public forum etc. Only way I see to cover this overlap is to have a private section to your site with private forum also. So you have public site with public forum and sales details for services etc but the subscriber site is isolated.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 10:47
Hi Sarah, thanks for letting me know and my apologies for such confusion.

1. Do you still not see "My subscriptions" under the calendar (on righ-hand margin) when you go to he homepage?

2. If the above does not work, still.. can you try logging in and going to the following link:

Pls let us know.


dubai, United Arab Emirates
Posts: 36
14 years ago
May 10, 2011 6:13
Dear Ashraf your site is quite confusing... few Minutes ago I registered to your monthly subscription package im very confused "my subscription" does not appear under the economic calender as you instructed despite logging in. I really suggest you upgrade your site and make it slightly more user friendly for your members. by the way I also confirmed my subscription by clinking on the link sent via email. Please your help is needed!
