
Posts by "peterthepipeater"

2 Posts by member
(Auckland, New Zealand)
Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 2
13 years ago
May 27, 2011 9:13
@Lone Ranger, u think time for CAD to ripen and follow the crowd? The Chinese messed up my long on the tasman cross :)

@ Ashraf, thx for the info. RBA meeting on June 7
Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 2
13 years ago
May 25, 2011 22:48
Just a quick thought on AUDNZD cross. I see 1.3190 as a major support level and a possible bounce back to 1.3310/30 zone if 1.0460/80 holds for AUD. And it seems to be firm for now. NZD is way too high given domestic factors. I do not think rate hike is possible anytime soon in NZ. And when market realized this we are back to low 0.7800s...