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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Nov 18, 2008 3:15
Comments: 1310
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GBP Trade Index 18-Year Chart

Daily GBP (British Pound) chart of 18 years of cyclical developments in finance & politics
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 18:24
@chloe-wow, you sound like you've been burnt by the GOLDman-backed PPT a few too many times. If I read you correctly, for usd/cad to hit the levels you are saying, oil would have to break 82 and stocks would have to go to a recovery high, and gold would be close to if not at all-time highs.

Does the GOLDman-backed PPT have enough you-know-whats-to deceive the public to that extent? Are they that desperate?
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 18:19
ya, ever since the markets rallied off mar lows ive been telling a friend that its a con, how can we be recovering from 1 of the worst crashes in a matter of 10-11mths an when i was sayn this it was back in aug-sept, so i never participated much in the what u say about golman an others is what i was thinkn but my players were the us gove an there access to $$$,an i also beleive it was them who are proping up the markets ,who eles in there right mind had the balls to step in after the march lows an start reinvesting, deffin not the lil guy after he was wiped out..only the big boys or us gover which are pprobly the same..thats why i hate being long usd an once again i have a long position in usd lol ..ive been tryn for 6mths to have a short position an now its the 6th time ive tried an failed but this time it will be less bad lol im not buying any usd long until were under 1.0400 an when that happens crude an gold will be higher giving me the oppertunity to unload stocks -gold an crude- an move profits into cheap usd for the ride up...ive been sayn it for awhilw the big boys want 600-800pips moves thats big $$$ its time for usdcad to crash down how far not sure but i deffin think 1.0400 is strong suport if it fails i think 1.0230 will deffin be tested an prob fail to make new low but i don;t think paridy in in the cards but u know whats 200pips but prob won;t stay long there before cad gove start pounding the table sayn bad for cad...then off it goes back up...usdcad trading range 1.0200-1.0750 an im sticking with still amazed how i fall for this usd rally..story is us gov need cheap $$ for there recouvery so when it gets strong out they come to push it down pipped
vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 18:06
I think the GBP/USD is heading towards 1.5740 in the next few hours, i break above this level will bring huge rally in the GBP.
i cashed huge profite in my my short EUR/CAD positio worked as dream thanks Asharf

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:51
@chloe-you know how I feel, but I'll let you answer this question: do you feel this jobless "global economic recovery" is for real, and it is of the "V-shape" form?

If the answer is: it is not real, or not as robust as the Cramer's and other bulls want you to believe, then what will drive oil prices higher, especially with China tapping on the breaks? Does the fact that the Aussie's once again beat an artificially low employment estimates on their jobs report yesterday solve the global economic crisis? The euro was bid up to 1.38 on that news, lol!

I for one do not. We will have violent counter-trend consolidations as the GOLDman Sachs of the world once again do all they can to get everyone overconfident and fully-invested, merely to yet once again SNATCH the rug out from under Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpack's feet.
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:43
hey pipped, is it not a concern that gold & crude slowly moving up an holding above certain resistances or is it all manipulation soon to cave in..with markets goin lower an gold crude goin much lower..thanks
Kentucky, United States
Posts: 4
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:39

on twitter you indicated selling GBP rallies made sense. where would you expect the GBP to start running into resistence? .....157?

Thanks Terry
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:34
As we all follow Ashraf as he has been proven correct time after time after time, we should be thanking GOLDman Sachs and their PPT and Cable Cartel for supplying us with these wonderful opportunities this last hour.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:25
I have started building the usd/cad long position, and shorting gold.

I am taking advantage of GOLDman's goosing. Gold exploded for $18 in 45 minutes, ROTFLMAO!
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:16
im underwater at the moment but making up with my gold an crude positions..thanks what u doin with the usdcad orders did u cancell or lookin at a buy oppertunity...thanks gl
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 17:11
CHLOE-how is youe fbp/usd short doing>

Hopefully GOLDman did not take money from you!