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Gold & Yen's Perfect Desert Storm
Yen strength still eclipsing USD rebounds during risk aversion. while gold's ascent is better gauged against currencies other than the US dollar.
Weak shorts getting blown out of FX and commodity positions.
Let's see what the PPT does in the last hour (and half) of US stock market today.
Let's see where it closes.
On a more serious note, I see that it seems to be challenging the down-trendline at the moment.
Actualy i am confused about gold price,what is your view?? atleast for this week.
If you pay atention , when EU was around 1.35 - 1.36 in recent May , Gold was around 930 and
Dxy was above 82 but this time not , so which of them wrong now ? Do yuo think Gold still
too high?
That was a smart one - serious...