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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 16:27
Minitry of Finance in Athens set on fire ... Pap hurries with 300 bln debt .... into the fire...
EUR long!
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:57
might bring mine down to 4460 before hitting the sack.. just above the 55-day.. with no fresh news EUR might just deflate slowly now.. good luck to you too subz!

Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:53
didn't place stops...had to correct at some point... coz still weekly trend is down.... shorted because it tested the hourly upper channel..... if 4370/80 held... could've continued higher toward 4500... so i adjusted my tp at 4375... by breaking below 4338... it signaled daily correction..... considered correction until 4237 would be violated...

Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:44
yeah subz.. just something to be aware of.. as it might not be all Greek "buy rumour sell the news" related move..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:39
thx subz.. impressive short at 4441.. particularly with high so far being 4447:-) whats your stop?.. (if you have any..)
Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:35

assumptions like that usually gets you in trouble...

good luck!
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:29
Cat.. you are probably right on EUR unlikely to be heading higher again..

..ahead of month-end, Barclays Capital strategists .. suggests that investors are
overhedged in other currencies and passive rebalancing of FX hedges
should see dollar buying against other currencies.."

Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:20
most traders are quite negative about Eurozone situation.... but as long as 4100 holds... there is a good possibility of move higher to 4800 level in coming weeks....

i'm seeing test of 4500/20(assuming 4237 holding for now)... then correction back down again to 4150 b4 heading higher to 48xx.... playing the big triangle triangle then break to the upside....
Posts: 1078
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:06


i mentioned 4390/4400 as stopover....

normal correction would have tested 4290/4300 b4 heading higher... but only after testing 4340... continued higher.... so it indicated no daily correction but extension higher... i shorted again 4441(upper line of hourly channel) and set my tp 4375....

daily support still remains at 4237.... until Euro breaks above 4450(in this case daily support will now be at 4327)....

so as long as 4237 is not violated... we can safely say wave from 4102 is still ongoing....
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Jun 29, 2011 15:01
bad luck Cat.. you should spit three times over your left shoulder before trading EUR again:-)