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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:21
yea blimey skipper re crazy brit forum. Thoroughly ASH-AMED
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:18
skipper, I expected that response from you. Take no notice of me. The modern world is running away from me and most of my generation. Trouble is none of the really important problems are gettin resolved any time soon. Everyone playing on their bloody twitters, facebooks, mobiles, i'pads, i'pods etc etc. The only thing I will say is the power of the www to intoduce some transparency and curb the power of the politicians. That has to be a good thing.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:16
speaking of brain offense but have seen 'crazies' from all over but none
can top a 'crazy' Brit. :) forum as reference..and now you have a friend to look up in Lucia.:)
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:13
? what was fundy reason for long 4 hr down bar?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:12
No good waiting around for "God" to create a decent world. He gave man brains to use and now our scientists have almost arrived at the ability to repair the brain faults that "God" created.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:11
Daveo..veteran, grizzled, battle scarred, warlock...
just one point...the digital boys in Palo Alto working on da new social networks and startups
work longer, harder than I have ever seen.
They never stop. I have witnessed this in our startup.

This litle mecca in PA/CA is full of the brightest kids.

4 hr euro still long and still holdin 3/8 from 4244.
1 hr breakin north from tunnel
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 14:00
Blimey chloe, slow down man. So many questions.

I don't see cup and handle on DX daily. More like bull flag pattern but bull flag more legit after a straight move up whereas DX moved up with rets in the pattern on daily t/f.

GL on your stock picks. I don't move outside of my normal stock trading portfolio except once when I had a good tip on West China Cement after their earthquake. Government grants were involved for the cement company who had very solid management base and history. I caught a parabolic move up lasting nearly 12 months. Don't know what happened to them since then. Must have changed gears. I avoid mine exploration companies and the like and I know nothing about dubious companies like linkedin. I do remember the tech bubble though in the 90's:-) I am told that the money is gonna be in the networks rather than the likes of Apple and hardware manufacturers. No interest or knowledge in the social interaction scene, does anyone do any real work anymore ! I do have an interest in medical advances, diagnostics, human genome derivatives, genetic modification.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 13:49
Eur has not at all good data ...inflation exploding. Bundesbank warns of slowdown. CDS on PIGS exploding. I told you FED needs a fat crash to drive buyers of its securities. It will come soon. USDx regained key level 75.5 but not sure we could see 75.2 again before it goes up and up 80 and above.
Always listen closely to FED speak don't indulge in wishful thinking.
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 13:24
looking @ the daily on usdx is that a cup &handle forming?remember i was looking for that formation about 2mths ago lol..finally(hopefully)
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
13 years ago
May 20, 2011 12:47
hey dave todays the big day for that stock im playing lol..gene simmonds,paul stanley and now nba super star steve nash are going live/global with ortsbo skype service.they want there fan base to join the service and this is the way there going to interact with them.did u see likedin yesterday these tech space companys are going ballistic lately lol..fingers crossed big money big money no whammy:)