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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 20:12
subz...I'm on borgata las vegas worries..

DaveO...pirates had only true democarcy..what the crew said stood majority..who they plindered..
the captain only dictator in a battle...

trouble with USA...letting everyone vote without a test..
and then letting politicians stay in office for profitz
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 20:07
Takes a pirate to recognise a pirate, what you think Sir Ignore.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 20:03
Funny how massive deception of investors didnt get GS into jail but supposedly deceiving Congress might.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:57
fx volume very thin
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:56

nice one... :) you're long and i'm short....

i'm holding 4480 and 4498 shorts.... with no stops...

4480 shorts... tp 4440..
4498 shorts.... tp 4340...

let's see..

good luck!
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:56
My next upside targets rest at 4698 and 5045
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:50
No surprises whatsoever re GS. I always knew they were more bent than a banana. What's wrong with Congress to be taken in like a bunch of childish suckers. Well, I think I know what's wrong.
Posts: 1078
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:43
my count still favors 1 more high as long as 4300 level holds.....

if 4420/30 holds... could see it moving higher from there..... break would see dip to 4300/4320 b4 moving higher to test 4600/4650.....
break above 4515 would signal move higher already towards 4600/4650....
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:40
si hombres
L e/$ 1.4487 stop 4430 tp 4680..

doin what da models say....let's do it..:)
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Apr 14, 2011 19:12
Mid April Deja Vu

Greece & Goldman Sachs concerns revisit the Market one year later to the week. Today's euro pullback was partly attributable to German Fin Min stating Greece would have to restructure its debt. It was April 11 of last year when the IMF & EU agreed on the EUR 550 bln rescue package for Greece, causing a 2-day rebound in EURUSD before subsequently falling over 10 cents. Another Dj vu is happening with Goldman Sachs, as the US Senate alleges GS to have misled US Congress and deceived investors during the financial crisis. Goldman agreed to pay $550 mln last year to settle civil fraud charges, but it now it may face criminal charges. GS stocks down 3.7%. Recall, it was on April 16 of last year when the Justice Dept justice announced it was a investigating Goldman Sachs. 1 week later, markets began a 18% selloff. Keep an eye on these cycles, & re-occurrences.
