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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
Comments: 30765
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:47
like being married
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:46
hehe stuck in a pennant ?
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:45
when I placed my last euro trade it froze market when it hit the wires..
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:44
Chloe tell us where yer short from on EU.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:41
But Ash can be wrong like any of us. He probably wouldnt admit it lol.
Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 53
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:41
chloe, I decided to be neutral on the Euro going into rate decision, and switch my short to NZD and AUD shorts. The EURUSD charts show more upside momentum and room to run even to 1.45 ish. On the other hand, Eur crosses against aussie and kiwi could go through rapid short covering in event of hike (plus narrowing rate differential should be supportive at least in short run), which i believe will limit losses on my AUDUSD or NZDUSD shorts. In event that market sells off, well I expect all risk trades to come off.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:40
That right I think ignore.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:37
Ashraf..penned 1.4100 holding..correct if wrong,pls..
but euro going long until fed boys go out and buy a gallon of milk or gas..
then hey will hike..
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:37
ya u right daveo about going into the trade and not caring..tonight i plan on listening closley to u guys.. place stops @ key levels should the eur like what trichet does or says then i;ll have to regroup an look 4 what the markets wants:)..might b a new day and a new trader tomor guys and thanks for the pep talks:)
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Apr 6, 2011 21:31
any1 care to give some possible out comes ahead of tomor rate hike and what will happen if theres no hike or if trichet ends up sounding much could eur drop to..if no hike is it pos+ or neg- for risk on/off..would love to hear how other traders are going into tomor data..thanks:)