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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
Comments: 30765
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toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:26
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
bernanke saing ... whats good for goldman sachs is good for usa
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:25
In reply to GreenFX's post
yeah Green, if anyone can crap on our targets, tis Ben :-)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:20
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
how I luv dat guy moosic, timeless.
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:19
u closing dem longs digi?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:19
10 yr yield now 2.7, just like magic :-)
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:18
can hear Elvis singing 'Return to Sender'
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:16
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
debt limit
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:16
In reply to DaveO's post
will be raised after mud fight
Bucharest, Romania
Posts: 0
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:13
In reply to DaveO's post
Ah, this reminds me of the good old times when Grenspan would open his mouth, and before the first "ahem" euro would start climbing
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013 20:13
Q. "How will you ever get out of quantitive easing ?"