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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:37
Hey Catnip are u the dude posting all those short EURUSD trades on twitter? some guy from tirol is doing it and asking Ashraf questions, he has been wrong all day ( the german trader that is) and is still loading up new shorts...
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:34
austerity is deflationary yes but the weakness of eur has brought up each and every inflation measure in terms of prices - energy gas record high food record high. and so on.
That means eventually austerity yields stagflation not deflation.
Euro rally is temporally
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:34
LOL @ Shane...I think the HF robots are reading the datafeed from Ashrafs twitter acct...hunting his stops out now
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:31
lol ashraf i think market is hunting ur calls right now , here we go again for 1.3380 this time i guess.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:25

It is important to know when to quit, when to doubt yourself and when to stand with your call as long as you have strong rationale for each.

WHY THE EURO DOWNTREND IS NOT OVER? EURUSD SHATTERS $1.33 figure, weakening the case for EUR bears on a combination of The combination of Germanys backing new powers to the European Financial Stability Facility and robust auctions (despite higher yields in Spain and Italy) is enabling traders to test the upper limits of the euro's trading ranges--$1.33s, which stand around the 55-week MA. I was CLEARLY WRONG for having focused on the $1.3280-00 as the breaking point for euro shorts. My error was with the actual level rather than with the trend. If you do recall, EURUSD broke above its 55-week MA during the last 2 weeks of December as well as during the 1st week of Jan But DID NOT END the WEEK above those levels. ANOTHER CLASSIC EXAMPLE of the euro making FALSE BREAKS was the break above its 200-WEEK MA between early Oct and mid Nov. Those comprised daily breaks above the 200-WEEK MA, BUT WHICH NEVER BROKE ON A FRIDAY. My cyclical trend analysis suggests that $1.3380 will be the required level of a weekly close. This may sound like moving the goal posts but my reasons for this level are tested and proven. This explanation is mainly technical in nature, albeit there are fundamental reasons but will not go thru them now.

Markets have proven notorious in showing false breaks, especially in the weeks of Dec 19 as well as the past 2 weeks. THERE IS A TIME WHEN DIRECTIONAL BIAS ought to be changed, but THIS IS NOT IT. I CONTINUE TO EXPECT $1.27 this quarter and $1.23 near MID Q2. To those who are in London on Jan 23, consider coming to my seminar so we can go through these situations, which teach us to draw the line between VOLATILITY & DIRECTION.


Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:20
Macro speculators like us are the fuel this forex market needs to keep it running , currencies do wat they are supposed to do no matter wat we think even the governments seems or atleast act helpless against the wolves making money in markets. Just put urself in Goldmans shoes and u will know wat to do . He must be a buyer of euro in 1.20s .

Lol my bet is they want it in 1.20s and thats why i am short risky deal considering that upside potential is much bigger.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:18
Dave, problem is Ashraf has been more often wrong than right recently. Let's not forget his AUDUSD fiasco. When he is not really trading it is very easy to say a 400+ pips move against you is norhing.
Also remember Ashraf was calling SP500 to reverse back down at 1190 a month and a half ago. It is more than 100 points higher now. One cannot get more wrong than that. Ashraf does not trade this is why he says such moves are nothing.
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:12
USD needs Viagra .
United States
Posts: 190
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:10
Money has no utility or economic value except to serve as a medium of exchange. Currencies trade consistent with this, not with the beliefs of speculators.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:08
This is one of those times when I listen carefully to what Ashraf is thinking/saying.