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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 21:12

Lol , lisa there is no mistakes or errors in forex , the analysis may go wrong but we cant call it a mistake because it i snot a mathematically logically deduced solution which ahs to be accurate till 10 decimal figures, He called for 1.27 even if we hit 1.30 i think his call as 90 % accurate bad for u that u did not go short with him when he called for it and now it may be too late .
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 21:05
You dont like his calls dont follow him , he hasnt forced u or me or any one and i guess i like ashraf changing along the changing trends, i did go long eur usd after ashraf tweeted about USD weakness and got some pips and than i did again go short when he called for euro weakness.

@lisa Ashraf explains you what is happening in the market and what is the most probable outcome from what is happening now he is not a prophet and can go wrong occasionally, but some people will start criticizing his analysis coz they just saw a 100 or a 200 pip move against his analysis, for a short period of time you know what this is forex a 100 pip move is like a needle in the haystack. I do loose money on some of the calls made by Ashraf but thats mostly coz some times i trade big as compared to my margin and market gets me for my stupidity besides that i make three times more money than i loose on following his calls.

@Ashraf Happy Holidays and just an advise i guess we have some emotional traders who lost some pips in the market. when i started following you i wasnt much different from lisa or any one else who blames u ,because i had no idea what i am doing but with time i realized that yours is the best analysis available in the market i suggest dont bother urself to reply them they will learn in time to repsect you.
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:45
guys guys guyse

search for transnational cooperation not fighting
u are all hired and one is rijt not to stick to a wrong position. its the premise of any good forecasters and traders. me i never stayed married to a position when i see the directional move is not in my flavor i dont hold hands anymore.
Lisa Mishpeka
Samoa American
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:27
back for more? Ashraf, you asked subway who made the point today who is Lisa M. and that is why I reminded who am I. That's it. I did not want to bring back the case.
@ Darth Vador
And yes, one can change his mind but it is not good when he changes his mind and do not confess that he has made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes from time to time. But Ashraf never wants to confess he makes mistakes. Which is funny.
Have a nice vacation Ashraf.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:26
Read Karl Marx. If you don't get Marx theory of value of money you don't get that the value of the USD CANNOT FALL. There is capital, cash, and liquidity. FED provides liquidity, fiat money, enabling the got to spend more liquidity. But the FEd does not print cash. Cash is rare. Normally, capital is not necessarily cash. Capital can be agrable land, forest and such.
But the more liquidity rises and the scarcer cash becomes, cash , greenback, become capital.
And capital cannot be devalued.
That means, the value of capital is a category of its own , it is not necessary that capital has a price expressed in money.
Thus the FED devalues fiat money but not the USD cash just the opposite.
Keep every $bill in your matress don't spend it use credit cards.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:21
Lisa, are you back for more? oh no, wait, youre still harping on that same point from last week, which in fact you are wrong about. Subway was talking about me being aggressive in calling for 1.27 and STICKING WITH IT even as euro touched 1.34.

As for AUDUSD, i said we CAN say Aussie was broken but it was NO confirmation. And all throughout yesterday when we did see parity, i never threw the towel. So keep on dissecting my calls and use the microscope and keep on copying and pasting. but you are beginning to appear moot, irrelevant and rather sad to belabour a point from last week. As long as you cannot back up what you say you will move from irrelevance to desperate pointlessness.

If you're looking for consistency, try my 1.27 EURUSD since Nov 23, not to mention EURCAD, USDJPY and yesterdays calls on GBPUSD. twitter, Videos and IMTs; my work is all on the net. And even when you use your microscope and dissect sentences and propositions to back your misquided claims..but you will still fail because the accuracy will overwhelm you. the numbers and odds are against you.

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:14
bahaha i knew it couldn;t be done.i asked if we could go 1 mth without some1 crying &complaining about ashraf..lisa we never had the aud close above the parady let alone 1.0015 level which ashraf said would only be fair to have in order to invalidate the h&s pl come on here calling ashraf out an complaining an embarrassing themsalfs is beyond me even if we did have the close above parady i usually wait to see if it sustainable(which it was not) so mayb u should have some patients.mayb ashraf should refund ur $$ for the subscription ohh wait its please just leave quietly or show some respect:(..ok lets try this again lets see if all the cry babies out there can keep there neg- comments to themselfs :) an lisa if u covered ur position @parady then thats where ur risk ended:( never bet against ashraf if anything u sometime need patients his timing could be off but not his analysis(usually):)
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:10
lisa darth and some others
have u already assisted to a sloggy race.
u take a toy's u put some fragrance on it and u open the cage.
at the end u all pass at repsol and get a lollypop
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:07
hit final tp 3220...+164

$12,790 since 12/06 total euro posis

short sailin trip.., VZ ladies wanna see sunset from da sea...go figure..
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 20:02
i didn't I kept AUDUSD short and USDCHF long
a trader can lose his mnd but never change it