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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Discuss EUR in this thread
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 21:52
OOP, sorry Shoko, we crossed post on a code doc suggestion
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 21:47
Shoko, I am happy that the sun has risen in Tokyo and I wish everyone was as intelligent as you are

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 21:46
Yea sub, my smaller timeframe work and reading internals gave me a long entry on EU at 3285 on monday. Let trade run and take me out at 3380 on tuesday after the high made for 95 pips. I then scalped again total net 63 pip on the way back down.

market been pretty scrappy recently for my own work due I think to holiday period starting, hence I scalp shorter term plays. same with GU, GJ, Gold, ES. Usually mkt low vol till about 10th Jan.

Take a well earnt rest Ashraf. If you get time write a code doc for this forum where you can describe how you work fundies alongside specific techs you use. Mention timeframes also because some particpants here may well be scalpers and scalp plays can range from a few pips to 200 pip or more depending upon views. When your calls are betwixt and between significant technical kra'a I see no reason why traders should not play both directions without causing any offence or argument -- that will be the day :-) Code doc might help.
Shoko Asahara
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 21:42
I propose some articles of the Code of Conduct:
1. Ashraf is always right.
2. No one can criticize Ashraf or question his calls in any way.
3. Even if an Ashraf's call goes wrong this is by no means a mistake, it is simply misunderstanding of what he really wanted to say in his call.

Please propose other articles of the Code of Conduct. Thank you.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 21:28
subway, you said: "you were partially wrong(coz 170 pips can be very huge for day traders... not saying it's your responsibility"

Did you say partially? so basically you are saying the extent of MY error depends on the extent of OTHERS' risk tolerance?

that is very interesting. i did not know my accuracy was a function of other peoples' behaviour.

What you state as "crucify" and "emotional" is my way of clarifying/chrystalizing/shedding light on a point that some need to have it explained several times. Nobody is being emotional...just those who feel surprised when i post a forum entry that is more than 2 paragraphs long.

Me "proving a point" may be a little too much for you, but it may not be at all too much for those who need a little more explaining for a position

So subway, perhaps you may suggest a Code of Conduct for me; ie how I should speak in my forum, what words should I use, what style of writing should I adopt .. in order for me to meet your desired definition of "setting the right balance between informative, analytical and not too emotional".

do we have a deal?

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 21:06

sounding a bit too defensive?

you're trying to prove a point.... understood... that's all good... but now you're trying to point out that all those who drifted slightly from your original view are all wrong?

yes... november candle is very bearish... totally agree... and i expect another dip below 2968...

the only difference between my call and yours is... i saw the possibility of correction higher(after htting 29xx level) b4 lower... when Euro was at 31xx level... you called short 3180 for 2700...when i asked you if you don't see any possibility higher coz i see it higher.. you're answer was very clear... ABOVE 3200 WE MAY SEE 3330 BUT NOTHING HIGHER.... in this phrase alone... you were partially wrong(coz 170 pips can be very huge for day traders... not saying it's your responsibility)...

now you're the one trying to really prove a point and crucify others' who called it differently... and trying to say you were right all along and others all wrong....

i really don't see the point of you trying to prove a point... would've have been much better if you hadn't reacted emotionally to others calling it differently... after all.. this is your forum... most of regulars here know and understand the whole situation....

i really do hope we move lower to your level without further correction higher or it will make you look funny coz you keep repeating your calls...

good luck Ashraf...

Negril, Jamaica
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 20:03
Ashraf..desensitize a lil need to answer all these things..rise above
let it be understood you stand by the posts and information...
let them contemplate, and discern...
u need negril time..


Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 19:59

EURUSD' s November candle is the BIGGEST bearish monthly REVERSAL since the creation of the currency. There were only 3 of such major monthly reversals since Jan '99. Read carefully, I said bearish REVERSALS, i.e. an opposite move occuring at the TOP of the uptrend. And we all know what significant reversals mean (both bearish & bullish reversals).

Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 19:55
Shoko, please read this carefully.

Im not sure what you mean when you say "prominent" FX traders; but those who did show dissent against my calls did not (again, did not) lead me to lose confidence. The reason i was touting it and re-touring it was to educate the readers of the solidity and validity of that call, despite the near bruises it received when euro hit 13400 and even 13480.

Again, i have no issues with people saying i was wrong. But when they start trying to mischaracterise my intentions, then those are simply lonely people craving attention on the Internet in this upcming holiday season.

Maybe I should hold a seminar in London and invite everybody who wants to dissent. I will be happy to set the record straight with each one of by one.

Shoko Asahara
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 16, 2010 19:49
Ashraf may be on vacation but he is very busy touting his short EURUSD call on twitter. I guess this is because he is lacking confidence when he faced some dissent from other prominent fx traders.
So I appeal, please let's stand united behind Ashraf. Go Ashraf Go!