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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012 20:06
I wonder if Draghi knew how clever he b with "whatever it takes"
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012 18:10
bulls b nervous....but add time for me. now 3244 and down again...with stop area in mind below
3200 level find some more neutral stance pair trading..but now looking higher........
have good tonnage forward from 2890/2960 level
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 22:09
amazing UP(!)grade of Greece helps EUR and plunges metal hedges from gold to palladium . However big contribution to EU by USDx ,
USDx will recover somewhat if fiscal cliff plan B...Z goes thru so I am out of EU long , then back in long.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 20:14
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 20:06

N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 19:04
good job skipper, keep trailin dat stop.

I tort US god fearing church going nation, not like UK heathens. What happened to human life be sacrosanct. The word hypocrisy comes to mind ?
Sir Ignore
United States
Posts: 3068
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 18:15
George thanks for da tune..funk phenomenon

Re; Trade long euro...plqcing stop at 1.3169..which be apporx 4h 8sma as alert..for south..
bu the trend b heatin...don't kool it..u koolerz know who u r....wat ew say?

Dave..quite a process for da gun..

In Jam, trenchtown, jus out back any bar...get nice no questions, names....nuffin bro :))

b careful out there..

manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 18:05
in communist country we have been told people have right to have weapon against tranny. but we lose this right at end of 90s, and everyone know there is a thing called "china miracle".

anyway, gun making isnt difficult at all. the ammo, however... :-P
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 17:23
So that mom in Newtown leaving guns lying about the place for any tom dick or harry to pick up would be in serious trouble in the UK. Probably get jailed.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012 17:15
In UK I have to renew my shotgun and firearms license every 5 yrs. The renewal is like a fresh application, loads of forms to be completed with fresh identity pics and 2 witnesses of known repute. Any family record of mental illness, relations, children etc, is fully recorded. All firearms and shotguns have to be kept in a locked gun cabinet bolted to the floor and inspected by the police. Its a pain in the ass --- BUT

To own a shotgun you have to have a good reason, like you have a farm or member of a shoot. To own a rifle the same applies but even stricter like membership of a rifle club. To purchase ammunition or new gun you have to produce your licenses, same for selling a gun.

When youngsters start learning how to shoot most "intelligent" parents (or colleges) go to great lengths to teach safety first and foremost. A gun accident is the easiest thing in the world in inexperienced hands.

Even so we still have the occasional nutter in the UK who escapes through the net.