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  • Intraday Market Thought: Euro Bucks Bad Data, BOC Next

    by Adam Button | Jan 8, 2019 23:01
    Euro Bucks Bad Data, BOC Next Chart The euro has shown some impressive resilience in recent weeks but the....Meanwhile, German-US 10 year yield spread is at it 8-month highs, raising....More on this below...nbsp; The Canadian dollar was the top performer Tuesday while the pound lagged...The Bank of Canada decision is due up next...Today's Premium video covers the paramaters of the current long index....The plunge in German industrial production on Tuesday may have served as....It fell 1...9% compared to an expected 0...3% rise...The October number was also revised to -0...8% from -0...5% to compound the pain...The industrial sector is critical in the German economy and the sharp slowdown....The ECB has tried to remain upbeat but rate hikes in 2019 are looking....The ECB has stubbornly tried to save face but expect more emphasis on....Notably impressive was how the euro held its ground despite the poor data...Over  the last 4 weeks, the euro outperformed USD, CAD, GBP, NOK, AUD and....It continues to trade above 1...14 and has been carving out higher lows since early November...This is largely a reflection of lower prospects for Fed hikes but that....Falling oil prices is a more of a net-positive for the Eurozone than the US,....For now, there's no reason to expect any significant uptrend in the euro and....Ashraf's long in EURUSD remains +90 pips in the green but he is concerned....Looking ahead, another central bank is also in the process of climbing down....The BOC meets Wednesday in what's sure to be a change of tone...Rates aren't in the focus but the statement will have to address lower....At the same time, Poloz is consistently optimistic and he could try to retain a....If so, that would keep the six-day rally in the loonie on track.
  • Article: ECB Action Sheds Doubts on Yield Differentials

    by Adam Button | Sep 13, 2019 14:02
    ECB Action Sheds Doubts on Yield Differentials Chart Can the euro gain despite the latest rate cut? Before we cover the aftermath....A month ago, Bank of Finland chief ECB member Olli Rehn said it was important....quot;When you're working with financial markets, it's often better....The euro had slumped on those headlines at the time on the expectation of a....The problem with such remarks is they remove the element of surprise later....So the ECB went on a coordinated disinformation campaign...Speaker after speaker over the past month went on the offensive...Dutch central bank chief Knot said there was no need to resume QE, Germany's....A series of leaks continued right up until the decision that suggested QE may....That set the stage for Draghi to deliver a Thursday 'surprise' of open-....Draghi opted for a 10-bp rate cut --not the 20 basis points -- that many were....The forecast for 2020 inflation was lowered to 1...0% from 1...4%, suggesting that any trouble will be met by action...Eurozone government yields fell alongside Italian yields down as much as....75%....Yet the euro hung in there, which begs the question: Do interest rate....The answer could suggest that they don't...In 2007 you could buy the New Zealand dollar and sell the yen while collecting....Today, even at the extremes, the differences in developed markets are 200....Flows vs Differentials?....Increasingly, money is chasing growth and/or value...That's always been the case, but it brings us back to the role of central....The ECB's manufactured surprise should be viewed less through the lens....In that sense, tiering for Eurozone banks (expempting banks with particular....This factor helps explains why European banks sector shot up immediately after....Asset managers looking for bargains will not resist the temptation to buy beaten....EURUSD is on its way to complete its 2-weekly gain...It has not 3 consecutive weekly gains since June 2018...Could next week prove positive in the aftermath of the Fed?....The fiscal path....Draghi is now nearly done at the ECB...He engineered policies that were unthinkable on his arrival...He fought against the panic of a Eurozone breakup, and did everything he....Throughout his tenure, he asked for governments to do more...He made that call again on Thursday...The fiscal argument has no doubt merit for it to be included Christine Lagardes....She must draw a line at some point, warning that the risks of the ECB....With that, she will hand the baton to the fiscal side...The market is already looking ahead to this but the early take is that....By that time, it will be too late.
  • Intraday Market Thought: Canada Election Playbook & Brexit's Latest

    by Adam Button | Oct 21, 2019 12:12
    Canada Election Playbook & Brexit's Latest Chart Canadian voters head to the polls on Monday with USD/CAD trading near an 11-....We scope out how to trade it, especially as CAD is the strongest currency since....GBP is trading at 1...2980s after printing 1...3012 earlier this morning ahead of a meaningful vote request at 15:30 London....Even if the request is voted down, there is optimism that PM Johnson's deal....MPs delivered a setback to Johnson on Saturday after voting to defer approval....But traders remain confident that his withdrawal agreement will pass by a....CFTC positioning data continues to show a massive pound short; and it's....USD/CAD fell to the lowest since July on Friday as it broke the September low of....3134 and the July trendline support...Is that a sign? Perhaps--But it's probably a reflection of broad USD....If anything, the loonie has been suppressed in the run-up to the election...It has trailed AUD and NZD by about 1% since the start of the month, although....The election playbook is generally similar to all elections in stable....Fear and worry take over ahead of all elections but once the smoke clears,....In Canada, the stakes are low...Polls show Trudeau's governing Liberals and the opposition....The wider distribution of the Liberal vote, last-minute incumbency effects,....In the event of a surprise ---and/or Conservatives win a majority, that would....A Liberal majority may also be a modest CAD-positive because it lowers some of....Neither party is likely to win a majority, in which case uncertainty may....The main fear is that the Liberals would be forced to work with two or more....Those fears are overdone but could lead to a 1-2 cent fall in the loonie that....The question is: Considering the resulting uncertainty, the timing of CAD&....On election night, the trade is to buy CAD on a Conservative majority or any....Otherwise, wait for better levels or a wild overreaction...Results will begin to cross at about 0030 GMT but it probably won't be....CFTC Commitments of Traders....Speculative net futures trader positions as of the close on Tuesday...Net short denoted by - long by....EUR -75K vs -75K prior...GBP -73K vs -73K prior...JPY +7K vs +11K prior...CHF -13K vs -11K prior...CAD +13K vs +5K prior...AUD -48K vs -46K prior...NZD -40K vs -38K prior....The numbers only cover through the close last Tuesday but cable had already....If you're long, it means there is still potential for a significant..
  • Intraday Market Thought: Britain’s Brexillent Adventure Begins

    by Adam Button | Feb 22, 2016 0:16
    Britain’s Brexillent Adventure Begins Chart The pound fell sharply in early trading after London's mayor announced he&....Cable is down nearly 150 pips in early trading with other pairs largely....The Nikkei Japan manufacturing PMI is due later...Among the 6 existing trades in the Premium Insights, there is one GBP trade....Sterling surged late on Friday when Cameron and EU leaders announced a deal...Those gains evaporated and GBP fell a cent more when markets re-opened...A big reason why was that Boris Johnson, the influential London mayor and....Another reason for pound weakness was that Cameron set a June 23 referendum....There was always a slim chance he would back away from a promised referendum....Setting a date also has a way of focusing the market on the pending....Finally, the public will now be fully engaged in the debate...The polls later this week (and subsequent weeks) will be critical for....The tendency in such events is for Exit supporters to get early momentum as the....Later, as the possibility of something new and unknown nears reality, the....But this will be no Scotland Referendum...Cameron gave an early hint of how he will campaign for keeping Britain in the....He will stick to the tried and true tactic of warning that leaving the EU....That's proven to be a formidable technique...Cameron himself used similar messages and scared the Scottish in their....Have we mentioned Scotland is highly likely to exit the UK if the latter....In the near-term, expect a market that is hyper-sensitive to headlines...Technially, the low so far today is $1...4235, which matches last week's low...A break would open the way towards the recent cycle low of $1...4080...Aside from the UK, Japanese stock markets opened modestly lower and there....Yen traders will look to the Nikkei preliminary manufacturing PMI for Feb at....The consensus estimate is a reading of 52...0 from 52...3 previously.
  • Intraday Market Thought: Ashraf's Webinar Tonight

    by Ashraf Laidi | May 1, 2014 16:43
    Ashraf's Webinar with Fari Hamzei And George Cavaligos starts at 16:00 ET,....Ashraf will go through the existing and past Premium trade calls EURUSD, USDJPY,....Registration..
  • Intraday Market Thought: Next week's flash crash?

    by Ashraf Laidi | Sep 12, 2014 17:53
    Wednesday's Fed decision, Yellen's conference and Thursday's historic....Here is why we think so.
  • Premium: Trading GBP & Carney

    by Ashraf Laidi | Nov 10, 2014 18:34
    We open 2 new shorts & 3 charts in GBPCAD ahead of this week's BoE....Full charts & trades found here.
  • Intraday Market Thought: Oil plummets on OPEC status quo

    by Ashraf Laidi | Nov 27, 2014 18:03
    Following OPEC's decision to leave supply unchanged in the midst of a sharp....Full charts & analysis here.
  • Intraday Market Thought: Recording of last night's webinar

    by Ashraf Laidi | Dec 5, 2014 11:55
    Here is the link to the recording of last night's Post-ECB, Pre-ECB....Click on the link and scroll down for Market Timing webinar #36...Ashraf's part starts 1 hour into the webinar...nbsp;
  • Intraday Market Thought: SNB miscalculates by dropping currency ceiling

    by Ashraf Laidi | Jan 15, 2015 15:17
    SNB miscalculates by dropping currency ceiling Chart The Swiss National Bank's decision to abandon its 4-year old FX peg is a....It is also a gross miscalculation...Read more here.