
Posts by "gtnew"

33 Posts Total by "gtnew":
32 Posts by member
(Arizona, United States)
1 Posts by Anonymous "gtnew":
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 29, 2009 1:43
Although I follow Ashraf on Twitter and appreciate his analysis, I have picked up the vibe from this website. For those of you who are female, like Margueritas, drive a car, and think independently, download Stocktwits Desktop and access the Forex thread. You can always read Ashraf's comments on Twitter, or just read his articles and IMT's on this website. You're in Riyad here. Don't waste your time. I'm out and glad of it.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 28, 2009 2:03
Crude Oil - You were calling for Oil to test the 73 handle which we did today. Do you think that will be the low or do you forecast a further decline to a lower level?
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 26, 2009 18:59

Many will probably start drawing parallels between Dubai and events of the 1930's. I would appreciate your observations on that, if you would be so kind.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 26, 2009 18:57

I am in agreement with your observations on Dubai. Although, I probably framed the observation in a way that obviously ruffled some feathers here, your point is the one I had hoped to make.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 26, 2009 16:48
Dubai + low volume and U.S. Holiday means exaggerated moves, but one thing is certain. The risk currencies are all showing lower swing highs on the daily chart vs. Yen and Dollar. Time to re-evaluate. I agree with Asad. I think Gold will hold up quite well in this situation.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 26, 2009 16:37

lol. Touche! And the result has been the same. Phoenix has been built on(sand), Real Estate speculation, construction, expansion, excessive borrowing, and is in the throes of a Real Estate bust and paying the price, a big price.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 26, 2009 15:56

....parable of the two builders: "one built a house on rock, the other built a house on sand.....the house built on sand crumbled into a heap of ruins....(sand used figuratively, not literally)
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 25, 2009 2:48
New highs in Asia for Spot Gold, also against EUR, CHF, and far.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 24, 2009 22:32

Nice trade on $AUDUSD! What about selling some of your position so that you feel more comfortable? That's one option.
Another would be to put a stop on the whole position below the bottom of the daily Kumo, maybe around 87. No need to lose sleep. You're on easy street.
Arizona, United States
Posts: 33
15 years ago
Nov 24, 2009 19:07
We could also be in 3 of 3 up. There's always an either/or. It's Elliott Wave!! lol