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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Nov 10, 2009 16:34
Comments: 611
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Don't Forget the Yen

Much ado about USD rebounds during falling markets, but JPY strength still outperforms USD.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 7:25
Succesful defense of 1.6200 by gbp,bulls. third 15-pip in one minute blastoff the the day already for this pair.

The trick for usd shorts is how to use eur/gdp to prop both eur over 1.45 and gbp over 1.62 until the calvary is called in during European session, for the daily four-hour grind higher/

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 7:21
Usd/Jpy back up to .9020. This is where it usually drops 30 pips in 15 minutes.

1.6200 being vigorously defended by Gdp/usd bulls. It only blew through there 15 minutes ago.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 6:06
Perhaps time to go long tha Gbp/Cad. In listeless Asia trading, te Gbp/Usd popped 35 pips on a very suspicious 14 pip instantaneous drop in eur/gbp.

Hmmm, economic data from UK coming out later. Pair is set to rocket 150 additional pips on news someone already knows about.

Also, only an hour plus away from the daily four-hour eur and gbp Eurpean session grind higher.

If short those pairs, be sure to have those stops placed!
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 4:58
Thanks Bojan for that. i have over 3000 followers but more than 5888 tweets. this is a relatively generous followers-tweets ratio compared to most people on twitter .

I am here to help and give. Even on vacation. regardless of "am" or "pm".

In fact, GBPCAD looks good. a great hedge for short cable is long GBPCAD. if UK data is better than expected or "not bad" then we could see 1.70 in GBPCAD whose stochastics look VERY POSITIVE

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 2:38
thanks ashraf, i just about to put a order in now of luck tomor every1
Arizona , United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 2:16
All site members and visitors,

I am following race on for the best finance, and so far I am dissapointed in the outcome. First place is Suze, and with all respect to her and her knowledge of personal finance, I find that she most f the time stating the obvious things. My guess is that people that are in forex business do not benefit from her or her advice, and we do benefit from Ashraf and his view on forex markets. This race is about us, about beneficiaries of the financial advice, and now we have a say who do we think is the best at what they do. I do not know what does Suze Orman or anybody else does for their site members, or for the people that they comunicate with, but I doubt they do more than Ashraf. Before this post get to be too long to read I would like to ask ALL members/visitors of this site to support Ashraf as much as they can. Why ? Because he takes his time to answer just about every question posted on this site, and on twiter, stocktwits, and does not ask for anything back, and than we benefit. We can take our time to vote for him, ask our family, friends, coleges, to do US a favour, and help somebody that is helping US. We can utilize all means of communications, phone, text, e-mail, facebook, myspace, because that is the way that we can help. Obviously casting just one vote is not enough.
Please, show appriciation by doing something, and not just saying "thanks Ashraf". This is not about money, but about appriciating his hard work and dedication.


p.s. i know some of us are not on twiter, so in my next post i am going to provide step by step instructions how to register and vote.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 2:06
chloe, USDJPY is the only USD pair that has the closet correlation with US 10 yr bond yields, but these last days USDJPY is falling behind. if youre in cash, look into going long w/ stop at 90.40 for 92.00

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 12, 2010 23:10
Everyone vacated usd/jpn. Perhaps a good time to average in and take advantage of an oversold 400 pip decline in just a few days
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
15 years ago
Jan 12, 2010 23:06
Yen suddenly weakening? (against USD, EUR, GBP).
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Posts: 73
15 years ago
Jan 12, 2010 18:45
U/J HS follow through almost complete to 90.50. Will be interesting to see where it finishes the day and week as this will set the tone going forward. Personally, I hope the drop slows a bit as otherwise the BoJ will start to get nervous - my impression is that they're not against it strengthening per se - just against it strengthening too fast ...