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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
Comments: 30765
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Berlin, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 11:55
Tony, this is exactly my point. Subway is big mouth.
Catnip and you are my top traders. Your analyses are outstanding. You may be losing money but it is more important to be in the business.
Tony G
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 11:52
S90 my experience of guys like you is that you're all mouth. You only talk about winning trades and don't let slip that actually you make bigger losses in your losing trades. Catnip and I are talking more about economics and strategy and not so much about trading. We'll leave that for big mouths like you.
Berlin, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 11:49
subway, it is clear you do not understand what catnip is saying. If you only got 10% of his analysis you will be better off and make the pips you make for a month in just one single day.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 11:46

i'm making more pips while you and catnip continue your bullshit...

learn from real traders... not pyscho's...

what difference does it make? only shows your intelligence falls below cat's and that is a shame....
Tony G
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 11:33
S90 You should listen to Catnip more may be you'll start making some money going forward. The markets can remain illogical for a long time but fundamentals always win out. The Euro is doomed. I'm shorting more as and when it rises higher from these levels.
Singapore, Singapore
Posts: 21
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 11:29
If there is any suggestion that I am catnip or said let it be known that I am not.

I am neither pro Euro nor pro Dollar.

I am only pro Money.

P.S: At the risk of encouraging Said's ramblings, I must say that his postings read a lot like those "Webbot" articles. They both are very cryptic and I amuse myself by trying to decipher the hidden meaning in his messages.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 10:56

no need to argue with cat... he's a pyscho who just seeks attention...

as he has proven time and time again... his trades were all wrong...

now he uses other nicks in this forum to contimue his bullshit...

cat = tony g = megamoron...

this guy needs professional help...

maybe said can help him out... :)
Munich, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 10:56
good luck, bigBaby!
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 10:53
Hi peeps,

As a newbie to forex, personally, I find BOTH fundamental and chart analysis to be difficult. I am almost ALWAYS wrong with whatever analysis I come up with.

But anyways after 3 months of demo trading I have decided to try my hand with an account of $15, 000.00. I am not a full time trader and am glad that I have a day job.

I have decided to enter the market only at around big figure levels in the Euro counter, for eg. 13000, 14000, 15000 etc.,

Since we are at one of these levels now, I will short 2 mini lots of Euro at 13975. I have set my stop loss level at 14135. I hope to take profits, if any, at 13800 for one lot and let the other run. I will go long if I have to at 14100 levels.

I know it is risky to try and fade rising markets, which is the short term case with the Euro now, but hey I am human. But rest assured I will never add to losing positions.

Wish me luck.

P.S: If you do the opposite of what I do I am quite sure you will all make money, ROTF. So I will keep my bunglings posted for everyone to take notice of.
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 10:35
euribor 3M 1.1%