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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 10:03
another candidate and the host stubbornly asks what about 1.425 ? What does the horoscope say?
Now ..think clearly ... what exactly is the "proposition" chart astrology is founded upon?
It is memory. The market has memory. Memory notices damn' resistance broken I remember BUY BUY! Nonsense, nothing but nonsense.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 10:00
And I must add:

Cat, you are lucky you do not have a real trading account because in this case you'd have been broke by now many times. So trade your demo account and be happy. LOL
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 9:55
Catnip, there is no need for debate. Everyone here sees that you are wrong again on EURUSD. This time you shorted it all the way back down at 3600, then shorted again at 3750, then again wrote it is going down at 3850. And now it is at 3965. One cannot get more wrong that.

So forget about subway or the charts. Look at yourself.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 9:44
Ah yes... think clearly the Buddha said...if the calls are CONTINUOUSLY wrong and its single valued then the inverted calls are CONTINUOUSLY right. Right?
Iow. it appears you do not understand hedging. Well frankly ... i debate with you to have fun .
Now sub when will EURUSD break the ..err... em... I forgot the chartists' term... barrier to explode to 1,4...1.42...1.5... 1 . you name it? You say sometimes or maybe later? Now or never?
Lets face it. Chart astrology lacks the precision of coin flipping.
roma, Italy
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 9:34
i placed short euro order at 1.4020
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 9:32

"The signal was ultimately precise. It doesn't yet say short EUR. It says don't trade EUR now"

So now your method tells you "don't trade EUR".
But what happened to your shorts which are now deep in the red? Or maybe it will turn out that you have miraculously closed them 200 pips below current level? LOL
Cat, you are desperate. You have a perfect track record of continuous wrong EURUSD calls.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 8:24
some broken chartist traders are clueless....why did EURUSd not obey the chart law?
Is it perhaps that Mr. Trichet is not as good as Dr. Ben in producing hot air? Is it allto obvious
ECB's hands are tied? I told the forum to distinguish between manageable debt and not manageable debt and clearly Ezone debt is not manageable. My 100% chart free system said precisely and I posted it the hot air is out of EUR close all EUR longs. The signal was ultimately precise. It doesn't yet say short EUR. It says don't trade EUR now except start short EURCHF.
And so it did. At market.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 8:23
is that you CAT? mega.....??

catnip=tony g=megamoron.......

what's next cat?
Munich, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 7:31
so what to do? buy or sell eurusd? I am very confused.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 4, 2011 7:22
The article is a shitty ad but at least it gives some perspective.