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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 24, 2011 8:46
yes that is my approach.... the handful of very big boyz control fx and the only way to trade succesfully in the long range is to follow the money.... but not to follow the herd ...the latter
is swing trading and scalping one can do both with tight sl and tp management
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 24, 2011 0:18
Qingyu, I don't want to sound dogmatic because if traders use tight risk management and have strong discipline and good psychology they can succeed with many different methodologies. There is a difference between trading and gambling imho.

Most markets are run by the big players I agree and forex is probably the largest example, by far the largest market of all. Retail players have no effect whatsoever on price movement so it is our job to track the big boys by whatever means we find most effective.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 24, 2011 0:04
"Trying to nail the exact timing with fundamentals is far more difficult (and unlikely) than using chart technicals and above all, price action. To play fundamentals only you need to be able to withstand very large drawdowns for extended periods of time and then --- what if the fundamentals suddenly change ? and price never returns to your entry levels which were derived from your opinions a few days/weeks/months ago ?"

daveo, yes i agree.

but, i guess catnip use same methodology like me. imo, this world run by some "group" or "person" (not real group or person). all i need to do is determine what they want to do, what they can do, or something like this. it also refer to "the invisible hand" which can be determined.

if anyone can build a full function model (which hard/cant be done), they also know the timing (not possible to have a mistake. that is also why it hard/cant be done).

this time ashraf and catnip only had one mistake which are they miss understand china effect to usdx and eurusd. (from mid dec 2010)

this is not normal. there must be something going on but we dont know. and maybe just self-reflection we couldnt understand at this moment.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 23:52
subway, I don't know that forum but only been in forex instruments for one year so I know far more futures forums than forex. I do use the Forex Factory news calendar which I think is a good service and I think they have a forum also. Also know the dreaded FPA (Forex Peace Army) not to mention charlatan news trader Henry Liu :-), have to admit to using his freebie currency meter for RT comparissons of majors on MT4, updating every 3 secs. I have a feeling he cribbed that from some other developer :-) If there is one thing I have learnt in less than 12 months about forex industry, its full of b/s, even worse than futures educational industry, not to mention the robot IM'ers :-) lol.

For anyone wanting a screen capture and editing tool I can highly recommend Snagit. Very good company and reasonable one off price.

Over to Ashraf :-)
surrey, Canada
Posts: 69
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 23:39
subway90, thanks for your reply.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 23:03

i don't know if you're familiar with previous forum site and apparently closed now)...

would be happy if this forum could provide chart posting similar to that site... i'm sure Ashraf has and idea for i believe he dropped by that forum time to time...

hope ashraf or webmaster of this site could do something about it... TIA
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 23:01
@daveo, ya u right i shouldn;t just be offering the workshop but ur kind&helpful to me so i just thought i would offer but ur right only if ashraf oks this week:)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 22:53
Would be good if Ashraf could fix us a chart posting address :-) Would save a lotta typing :-)
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 22:40

thank you for your kind words... :)

my favorite currency would be the Euro but i do trade gbp, Aud, chf and Yen... i concentrate mostly on these pairs...

i wish i could post my charts but honestly i'm not that good with my computer...
still have to learn to do that... :)
for the meantime... I will try to post my view on a daily basis...

i expect 3650(3700 max) level to provide good resistance initally for pullback towards 3500/20 level... as long as we don't see clear close above 3650 level on 8 hour candle(negative closing on 8 hour candle would be a good signal to short)...
clear break below 3500 level would already signal bigger correction down to 3350 then 3200 level...

expected range for the week : 3350-3650(3700 max) ... daily close above 3700 level would be a warning signal for a much stronger upmove towards 3800 and possibly 4000 level...

N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 23, 2011 22:39
Chloe, thanks for the offer friend. I would like to have your recording but only if Ashraf sanctioned this as he specifically stated that there will be no recording release. It would probably undermine future workshops he does and those other delegates who paid money for the workshop.

I have been using Talking Forex for news stream and squawk box on news announcements. Very happy with it for uk and eur time zone, (perhaps not so suitable for EST etc). They only charge 20/month sub.