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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
Comments: 30765
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Discuss EUR in this thread
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 15:23
Nothing has changed with range EurUSD 1.29-1.35. we can still trade the range. If the pair goes below 1.34 per NY trade friday the whole stuff reverses as most "technical" traders are long, so we'll see stop losses to the downside. However I expect the range to continue because Ezone blah blah debt restructuring EFSF buying troubled bonds continues with no action that will keep Eur up for the next month until in March the debt bomb goes off.

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 15:02

like DaveO mentioned... i really don't care what methods/strategy we all use... as long as it works it works for each one of us.. that's fine...

the only thing i know for a fact is... you made big calls and it was all a big miss!!!

with those kind of results.. the best thing you can do is just shut up... but instead, you try to shove down techies and keep calling your methodology superior...

you've not only proven your stupidity but also proved you're an A**HOLE....

hope you got my message.. :)

happy trading cat!
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:52
ok let me explain range trading
you have two tresholds with a particular level of that's above my head.
lets put it simple you satnd at the red cross store you see hanging man gravestone doji and
dead cross that is the condition for range trading
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:50

that's a good one:) LOL!
Boli Mekura
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:42
Catnip bases all his analysis on the Capital by Karl Marx. For me that is enough to ignore his posts.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:39

you've proven time and time again to make bold calls with no result to back up your calls...
in fact only big misses...

i'm sorry for traders(definitely newbies) who want to hear your opinion... maybe your fancy words got them to beleiving you've got some substance.... sooner or later they'll find out that it's only noise you're creating... :)

Boli Mekura
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:37
Hey Catnip
For which Class of US dollars are these trades?
Class A (Fiat Money) or Class B (Strong USD).
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:28

you seem to be the one holding the crystal ball and second guessing...

so where is Euro headed in the short term?

what does your intelligence(if you have any) tell us?

care to share?? LOL
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:25

yeah right! you called shorts 3450 few days earlier.... and it wouldn't go to 3500... now you change your statement and bragging about it? when will you stop your BS?

so... when can we expect to see your parity for Eur/Usd you've been calling since last year?
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 20, 2011 14:23
i played it too tight ..i was waitn for 13550 hit 13520 i was going to pull the trigger but didn;t :(..but never sold any positions either so i missed on eur but making up 4 it on other stop for usdcad 1.0030level audusd9840level..eur kinda unsure but i think 13400 seams reasonable b4 it craters back down to 130oo level..looking @gbpusd what does the forum think of short possibly..160 handle proving very difficult:) gl guys:)