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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
Comments: 30765
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 5:00
Comments: 30765
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US TSYS/AUCTION RESULTS: The 30y auction had:
$4.657b or 29.2% Indirects vs 31.9% in Jan and 37.2% long-term avg
14.8% Directs vs 7.2% in Jan
56.1% Dealers vs 60.9% and vs a 49% avg since Jun'09; avg of the last
four auctions had dealers at 51.2% and huge range of 46.2%-almost 61%.
US VIEW: Sherry Cooper and Robert Kavcic of BMO Capital Markets, in
their "State Monitor" of US economic trends, note that economic
performance various regionally, with ranking high in states "with
relatively high exposure to energy, as exploration and drilling activity
in the Bakken formation continues to fuel growth." The economists note
that mining sector employment has risen 26% in the past 2 years,
compared to private non-farm payroll growth of only 3.4%. Agricultural
states are doing well also, "with farmland values rising at a strong
clip." Manufacturing intensive states are seeing activity pick-up as
well, and while the level of employment remains depressed, "job growth
in the sector hit 2% in 2011, the fastest clip since 1994." Overall
consumer confidence has been bolstered by rising stocks and an easing of
mid-2011 political tensions. "Confidence remains highest in parts of the
midwest and south central regions, with exposure to energy and
agriculture," they say.
and ambition...they are mostly just nice laid back kids....