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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Forum Topic:
Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
According to WSJ, some top Paulson clients are going for the exit, despite Paulson reassuring a hundred clients in a conference call.
Does this explain the weakness in gold today...??
Adding to Mont's worthwhile comments, I wouldn't work at Futex EVEN if they offered me a no-frills position right away! First, because they invited those who were interested...and EVEN THOSE NOT INTERESTED!
Second, the career track is a bit unstructured. They train you (@ 500/month for six months) - I'd rather attend Ashraf's classes on technical analysis - & then, IF you're good enough, you trade on their money sharing 50% profits w/ them (if you're no good at the end of six months, you're chucked out - time & money wasted!).
Having read your posts & analysis, think you're wayyyyy too good for this opportunity! You'd rather apply for Tibra Trainee Trader Programme. The money's good - 60,000/annum + bonus + free b'fast/lunch *glee* - and experience of being a prop trader, as you know, is INVALUABLE (even if they're going to curb prop trading).
Having stated this, it's EXTREMELY competitive! They hire all year round (check but the main recruitment takes place in the last quarter.
I myself went through their recruitment cycle last Dec/Jan but withdrew from the second-last interview because I had simultaneously finalised an amazing business opportunity! But yeah, it took SOME balls to say no to such an opportunity. But I'm quite QUITE happy w/ what I'm doing now. :D
I'll keep an eye out for any trainee trader opportunities...but m/while, look at this Tibra thingy. if you're an experienced trader, you may apply immediately - if not, wait for later this year... ;)
I agree w/ you that at times its REAL harrrrrrrd to decipher whar Said has written - seems the guys been binging the entire four days at Heathrow! *heheh* Btw, the word HABIBI that he used means 'friend' in Arabic...
if u were at deciphering what is written there will be no incentives having the department of the stupid walk where money is spent.
just like that.
have a beer at the crypt u know where
one is not far from abingdon reading.
few hours of sleep and back on track.
Or perhaps you meant that there would be no job for you at the Futex office in Woking?
Unfortunately, as I am not qualified in cryptoanalysis, I find most of your posts hard to understand.
If it is any consolation, from what I read, prop shops are not all they are cracked up to be, and you might be as well off just doing your own thing, or perhaps sharing some rented office space with like-minded people if you need the company of fellow traders.
@Koolstad: Don't know about bear flags but it seems that gold is warming up.
just a thought, probably not important.