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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 2338
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Discuss USD
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 4, 2011 15:06
more strong us data just pulling back off pos+us recovery..fomc out soon today:)..hopefully same reaction as dec minutes:)gl:)
halifax, Canada
Posts: 1183
14 years ago
Jan 4, 2011 11:57
chile opt to purchas 12bil in usd to help stop the rise in usd,saying its the biggest fx intervention ever,joing othere like columbia +brazil....locals saying there exports are getting hammered while peso appreciated 17% since june..this is what i said yesterday about strong cad how it hurts cad economy +aud economy now chile,brazil,columbia join the list.2011 will be a usd rally if ben &boys don;t interfere:( thats the only wild card out there to prevent usd rally..ok gl:)
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 3, 2011 20:26
interesting this morning cnbc talkn about how 1st mth of pos+ trading dictates the othere 11mths.85% of the time it proves correct,dow was up 123pts but now failing back ..with 45min remaining how will we finish...@ the moment gold copper oil all trading lower an do +90pts s&p much lower an to be fair i only mentioned that i closed out my position to see if it would reverse an as i mentioned it it pulled back lol ohh the mental games we play with our selfs lol..still short pl now having said that im sure we start to trend lower but i did close out all blocks @ break even an ive decided to use break even stops:) fomc this week will be interesting in reaction to statement an bens guys get short daveo &forextrader i need ur backing on this trade :(
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 3, 2011 15:49
China eases restrictions for domestic firms holding currencies offshore that allows exporters to keep their foreign-currency earnings overseas instead of changing them into yuan.

A typical bureaucratic idea...
if exporters do so they must assume yuan falls vs USD JPY EUR.... asian currencies.
I don't think they assume so. Given that , China inflation will raise with yuan and we'll soon see the next rate hike.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 1, 2011 13:30

Nouriel Roubini. Good update vid from great master.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Jan 1, 2011 13:28
Chloe, there is one impediment you do not have and be thankfull for that. ARROGANCE :-) downfall of many traders :-)
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 1, 2011 13:22
Yes Elder is seen by some as a stodgy ole boy but you really couldn't do any better than to absorb and implement his money management disciplines. His methodology for trading stocks is very basic indeed imo but I use his MM 5% and 2% rules at all times in my trading. This is a discipline which will protect you from the most drastic unforeseens which many traders ignore until its too late, it happened.

For trading psychology I particularly like Bill Williams early edition of "Trading Chaos". The later edition was JV with his daughter and also worth a read for methodologies. Also his "New Trading Dimensions". All are Wiley I think. Guys should also read up on "market profile", enough to gain a basic understanding of how ALL markets work (inc forex) You don't have to become an MP purist but you do need to understand what causes market fluctuations and the climax just prior to breakout. You can almost liken it to sex, markets reflect human behaviour and emotions. A thorough understanding has great value in reducing the frustrations. Trading is probably the most difficult occupation we could choose to pursue :-) easier and more predictable to become a brain surgeon.

One problem I often see is traders who are encumbered by their own intelligence. Its mostly about discipline rather than intelligence.
Singapore, Singapore
Posts: 179
14 years ago
Dec 31, 2010 19:15
Chloe, there are many books / courses on trading psychology and money management; see 101/ classic Elder

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 31, 2010 18:42
another hard part to being a newbie is building our confindence up im in no way a cockey person .i really try hard to dissect every angle to my trade b4 i enter it, just not with the then to have it go against me crushes the confindence then the emotion kicks in then i really find it harder to get away from it cause i feel i have covered all my bases but i guess i have to accept that im gonna be wrong an i need to embrace that part of trading an putting my emotion in check:(.looking forward to learning how to apply stops-trailing stops an gettn more tech with the charts in 2011..i think tech trading would really help me get away from fund trading&emotions...thanks:)
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 31, 2010 18:23
@daveo ur right time to step back an not give into any irrational moves with my positions,i;ll wait to see how markets react in the new yr to these higher levels but im ready &willing to cut my losses an will do accordinly.also in 2011 i need to figure out how to be more organized an figure out which tools need to be applied consistantly,i had a system but found i was taking on new tools an forgetting to use some other tools which i deamed very important. anyways looking forward to ashraf workshop mayb he can help me figure out whats important to follow daily an whats not.also looking forward to meeting you as well.if u don;t mind me asking how do you prioritize you trading day or is it way to indepth to talk over this forum..anyways all the best daveo happy new yr to u &ur family:)