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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 2338
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Discuss USD
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 20:17
Big players most certainly go on vacations. They are very much creatures of habit, you can even tell when they have their morning coffee and their lunch break in some markets, but who knows what auto algo systems they leave to hold the fort.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 19:18
can some1 explain why markets would be thin when every1 owns a found it funny yesterday when ashraf posted he was missing out on the moves in the fx is that possible?also wouldn;t big players/small players an everything in between still be watchn the markets an monitoring an trading.i find it hard to beleive that they chk out an go on holidays 100% sure there still there and ashraf didn;t miss out on any trades an thanks:)
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 19:15
hedging is a method to minimze losses and hence to increase performance.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 18:41
Catnip, your very confusing trading methodology does not allow for the unforeseen. Arrogance will always be corrected by the markets imho. And "hedging" is a wonderful way to disguise your true positions and your true performance.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 18:28
not at all USD will raise on China woes.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 18:27
It is the timeframe that matters. I think it makes sense to do position trades which are hedged.
I say wait a month and aususd will be way below parity and I'll take profit around 98 and the next 95.
Naked partee, Jamaica
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 18:17
Chloe..risk management by set VALID rules eliminates pain,
if your 8.5 blocks are 100 k lots, then you are WAY too large in your positions
as surmised by your rhetoric, which is classic newbie..hopefully, you are talking mini lots
or demo..a large account doesn't give one reason to go big 'out of the money'
..must be managed...

vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 17:46
Yes you are right every trader should have his own risk management
Every trader should keep control his emotion
Every trade should have his own trading strategy
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 17:37
every trader should have their own risk management...
vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
14 years ago
Dec 28, 2010 17:14
@catnip It is really sad when you make mastic and you dont have the guts to admit. You and others in this forum (chlo, Asad, gunjack. ect the risk averse group) should hold their hand high and admit your error and apologies for all the mature traders out there who where following your comments.