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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 2338
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Discuss USD
Brno, Czech Republic
Posts: 110
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 17:20
Back to the topic of this thread:

<b>Fed Announces Expansion Of Revere Repo Program, Adds Money Market Funds To List Of Eligible Counterparties</b>

This should add more contrast between US/EU as the Fed is clearly preparing for the exit even without the need to rise interest rates.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 11:28
sorry Pipped but I must borrow your weatherman line again. Latest IMT Ashraf now calling for higher levels of aud.usd to 0.9230. A true weatherman call.

Folks, he will do the same to you in Gold once 1140 is taken out again. He will then call for 1175 on gold.

The new cap on gbp.usd is 1.524, exactly as I predicted hours ago.

What good is a cap if you simply raise it everytime it fails to hold.

You gold shorts are going to get creamed in here.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 7:16
pippedOff, no offense, but it's somehow funny how you call those 200 pips move "noise" where you count every single tick otherwise. ;)

I still stick to my (long term!!!) bearish view of the USD. The technical EUR/USD trend is still down and is still intact. I'm happy now about the USD/JPY where I stick to my target of 93-95 within 1-2 months.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 5:21
These boards sure get silent when calls have been wrong. Nothing standing in the way of yet another usd route. Gold will be the next one to pop against usd. It already is perking up here in late Asia, early Europe.

Similar trading pattern to Thursday/Friday of last week. Suckering in more shorts still believeing the 1020 call. However, the man is on record as saying he fully expects gold to pop through 1140, and for usd to remain weak.

Yet, I have not read one person write they have closed any of their shorts. Therefore it is logical to deduce that the quietness on these boards is a reflection of the $$'s lost here the past few days.

Folks, there will be no usd rally in European session today. Simply a usd route, and gold will play catch-up.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 2:49
Latest Failed Cap report:

euro 1.3625
gbp 1.5120 (next cap of 1.52 about to get run through)
aussie 0.9070

The next IMT will probably not even mention these failed caps, and only tout cad.jpy, which actually was being called as going lower until mid-day Friday.

That's Weatherman at his best.

My condolensces to you all.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 2:38
as a matter of fact rkashmir, I do mind you using my line, especially in the sarcastic tone regarding Ashraf. He constantly states he calls the direction of the move, and the move is still down in eur and gbp. The consolidations and short covering rallies are nothing but noise.

If you cannot account for them in your mini-overmargined account, then don't trade FX.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 2:30
what is really funny is we will all hear about the cadjpy call for the next 36 hours.

In the meantime, the euro and gbp and aussie are getting wiped out. Just wait until gold joins the party. That will quiet these boards down.
Fortaleza, Brazil
Posts: 8
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 2:25
rkkashmir, honestly dude, you need to get a life.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 2:14
PippedOff-if you don't mind I will be stealing one of your lines.

"WEATHERMEN ANALYSTS are calling for continued USD weakness against ANYTHING (including eur, gbp, cad, aussie, kiwi, gold, except jpy).

What is hilarious is only NOW is Ashraf backing off his gold 1020 call, and has even tweeted he is expecting LOWER USD next few days.

Making Ashraf a WEATHERMAN ANALYSTS, lol!

1.3685 and counting on euro.
1.5168 and counting on gbp
0.9112 and counting on aussie.

Weatherman Ashraf is FINALLY correct-weakness in USD.

Great call Ashraf. 200 pips late, but good call anyway.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Mar 8, 2010 1:24
It appeas some fat cats are short USD and desperately trying to prop their bets by continuing to bid trash euro and gbp.

Don't they understand they are playing with a ticking time-bomb which with every passing moment gets closer and closer to detination?

Who in their right mind would be buying trash euro ad gbp except for weak shorters covering?