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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 2338
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Discuss USD
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 12:51
there is a guy from GS on blomber ; quite good oulook messenger on the econome; should go back to his PC
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 9:03
say hi to efm office in frankfurt for shibor informations.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 8:59
SHIBOR of today
O/N 5.0142 -296.91 bp
and here we go

1W 8.2192 -29.25 bp
2W 8.5138 - 0.87 bp
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 7:40
yes callum eis eis baby at the council.
montmorency, catnip doesnot want to reveal us what he really got on that . u know what is interezsting about all this fingers in the pies is the divisions the strate, never heard of it.
take for example the coin flipping, a metallic piece take drawer and mark the line from frankfurt to lothbury then if u understood the monetary policy u have 3 axes.
is the base still active in abingdon or has it been part of the restructuring under jackson with all its implication with the lbbw?
Singapore, Singapore
Posts: 179
14 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 3:36
USD 10yr and 2 yr are still in -ve territory and also expressed in the USDJPY hovering around 82. Shouldn't the equity sell-off (Risk off) mean potentially USDJPY moving towards 83 zone?
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 0:48
@Catnip: re: Reichstag: I thought it had never been proved that the NSDAP started the fire, and that the likely truth was the guy who was blamed actually did it, but he was a bit of a nut, and a loner, and not part of a communist plot, BUT it played right into the NSDAP's hands. AH was nothing if not an opportunist. According to Wikipedia: "The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains an ongoing topic of debate and research."

As for the CIA on the other hand, I think their fingers have been in quite a few pies, some discovered, some yet to be discovered. Ultimately, it is essential that the USA's man gets in in Egypt (whoever it may turn out to be). They didn't handle the succession (from the Shah) very well in Iran, and we are living with the consequences to this day. Same could happen in Egypt. The law of unintended consequences.
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Jan 30, 2011 22:58
yes catnip that makes sense; he found the engine and someone went to dortmund and dusseldorf before or at the time of the volksbank. some 150 years laters all this scrap metal goes to east germay and eastern europe.
fort knorr! like in the movie. personnali i like the colora.

but catnip let me tell about something quite amazing how it spreads all over europe. it all began in the financial city of london sundays at around 7pm. all financial transactions comes in the routers transfered to auckland and a square in a city that i will not name. then the process went on to a part of europe; why? the new architecture. then to france germany italy spain the mare nostrum. sure it is the same in new york san francisco shanghai sydney tokyo moscow pretoria.

so catnip do u think i want to waste my time with a 10 euros 1851 dollar coin by painting a butterfly oh no some wings oh no an error on a astrology board. did he find his happiness?

ahve a good week
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Jan 30, 2011 22:38
qin jiu
i found myself in front of someone one day as the tape reveals.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 30, 2011 22:31
good catnip
28 minutes to respond u google it or u wikipad.
but let me tell you one thing clean his ass with the commission from the small airplanes.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Jan 30, 2011 21:44
black mail to china?