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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Jun 9, 2010 3:00
Comments: 278
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Discuss World Cup 2010
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
15 years ago
Jun 28, 2010 1:02
Well done Germany and Argentina.
United States
Posts: 237
15 years ago
Jun 27, 2010 17:08
I had a feeling that Klose would come back re-energized from his suspension, and he and Podolski helped germany to get off to an amazing start on the way to a (4-2) win. One of the best offensive displays of the tournament so far! I am rooting for Mexico in support of my Mexican friends, but overall Argentina remains the favorite in my mind.
london, UK
Posts: 4
15 years ago
Jun 27, 2010 12:41
england vs germany ... looking forward to game.... england has good chance to win

BRA not playing their uasul game... spa good flow game..

england spa arg bra for simifinal
Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
15 years ago
Jun 27, 2010 1:47
Correction on previous post

1994-3rd- Sweden- no one saw it coming
4th-Bulgaria - no one saw it coming

Arizona , United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 27, 2010 1:38
Ghana and Uruguay were just better teams in today matches (or they just prepared better for this particular game)

In the matches to come most people see a clear winner, based on stereotypes and entrenched notions like Argentina plays better football than Mexico, Brazil plays better vs. Chile and so forth, but look at the surprise teams on previous world cups.
1994- 3rd -Bulgaria- no one saw it coming
1998- 3rd -Croatia-no one saw it coming
2002 -3rd-Turkey-no one saw it coming
2006-were the usual suspects 1- Italy 2-France 3-Germany 4-Portugal (surprise- not a shock)

I guess 2006 was the odd year in modern soccer, so my question is, who can guess the dark horse this time? Ghana?Uruguay?Slovakia?Chile?Mexico?

my guess is Uruguay....... or maybe..............Slovakia.....

London, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 26, 2010 21:41
Let me interfere on the behalf of the US here! For the fourth time, they are the dark horses of the Cup...and won't be surprised if they slug their way to the SF (oops...Ghana 2-1 up!). :p

Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 26, 2010 19:05
US will beat Ghana and tomorrow England beats Germany possibly in penalty round.
Frankly I would like to see an african team make it to the semifinal but technically they are inferior.
United States
Posts: 237
15 years ago
Jun 26, 2010 14:59
In sports I often love the underdog, but this time around I think the higher ranked teams will play to their strengths. The Americans are ranked 14th, well ahead of Ghana (32nd) and South Korea (47th) and slightly in front of Uruguay (18th). I take the US and Uruguay to advance. Uruguay has one of the best defences out there, and the US has overcome all odds and oddity of calls.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jun 26, 2010 13:45
Alcando's answer is the probably the closest to it. Will give the answer later on.

FIFA must not schedule games between strong nations as last match of the group otherwise well see more ridiculous games such as POR-BRA, SPN-CHI or the infamous Austria-West Germany in 1982.

Will announce the solution to the riddle later on.

I see Ghana beating USA in a very enjoyable game. I hope it will be enjoyable as Im driving there.

I see Korea beating Uruguay in extra time.

England will be more than happy to excel against Germany, as players will be pumped up to defeat their oldtime foes, particularly after Beckenbauer's disparaging remarks.

Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
15 years ago
Jun 26, 2010 12:01
one more try

Dutch soccer team has ORANJE color indicating tulips, and they start their season and qualifications in September, Tulips bloom in spring some, but very rarely in summer. Season for planting new tulips in beginning to the "middle of September".

Collapse of the Lehman brothers was accelerated from beginning to the "middle of September", just in time to plant new tulips (bubble)

I guess I just expended the Stationdealer answer
