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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Jun 9, 2010 3:00
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Discuss World Cup 2010
London, UK
Posts: 1
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 12:04
On 10 Sept 2008, during the Netherlands first qualifier vs Macedonia (NED 2-1 MAC) Lehmans announced a Q3 loss of $3.9Bn at which time their shares plummetted 30+% and led to the official bankruptcy filing on 15 Sept 2008. Bye bye Lehmans, hello Netherlands...
Trencin, Slovakia
Posts: 120
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 10:25
SLovakia showed heart and they hadnt anything to loose before the match so it was kind of either or:-)

Next rival HOLLAND - hope it will be another Lehman B.:-)))
London, UK
Posts: 715
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 10:06
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 9:53
So many great attempts at guessing the Riddle.

Heres the RIDDLE again:

What does the Dutch football (soccer) squad + LehmanBros collapse have in common?

CLUES: focus on the TIMING of Lehman's end, not on Lehman itself or any other bank. and relate that to the Dutch soccer team. Nothing to do with the coach, players or past players.

Arizona , United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 9:05

answer on you riddle -Lehman B. and Holland soccer team-

Fuld had an offer from the Korean Development bank, but it failed to recognize the urgency, he was too greedy. He was hoping that B of A or even Barcley's would come with better price, and on the end he was hopping that government would bail them out (just like they did Bear Stearn) He thought he has time to deal, but he did not have that luxury, on the bitter end, on weekend of Sept. 15, H. Paulson told his "lieutenants" that Fuld wasted so many opportunities. ( Fuld was not allowed on meeting at treasury)

Bert van Marwijk thinks that he has time, so he does not need Robben from the beginning of the game or even worse, he does not recognize the danger, but when "moment of need" comes, it just might be too late. (nobody can score at a comment, they need some "time")
Bert still has time, and someone should really tell him the story of Lehman, and how they were wasting precious resource "time" -"Robben"


Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 0:36
Classy Japanese demolition of Danemark. Skoreans + Japan neighbours to play vs. The neighbours of otherside of the globe Paraguay + Uruguay. Slovakia were terrific ! 6irst worldcup and they go thru. US deserves much credit for going thru. I see Englad beating Germany. Mexico Argentina will be a hell of a game. Let's see if Portugal can beat the Kakaless brazil. Very possible indeed. Holland finally concedes a goal. Impecabble run/shot by Robben. Chile will show us tmroww if they can remain the only team to concede zero goal as they face spain.
Futurama, I used that line on twitter. Brilliant stuff. Ashraf
Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
15 years ago
Jun 25, 2010 0:18
pheeeewwwwwuuueeeeeee that was one exciting game. Congratulations ..... that was well deserved
It was clear from the beginning that Slovakia has the eagerness to win the game. Italian players were passive throughout most of the game, It looked like somebody gave them some super powerful red bull on the last 15min. Commentators on ESPN were so excited with the twists on the match that one said for Italy " it was little too much , too late"
I have to say that in the last few minutes of the game I was not sure about Slovakia win. I had flashbacks from US-Algeria match.
EVERYBODY should take a lesson from that match. " it ain't over 'till it's over"

we have 4 exciting games coming. I will be playing close attention to Spanish team.


Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 20:10
Slovakia outplayed Italy from the opening whistle, except a little wobble in the last 8 minutes!

Japan has just scored 2 spectacular goals on free kicks. 2-0.
United States
Posts: 237
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 19:43
So Ashraf still sees Holland as the favorite. I am torn between Argentina and Brazil, with Uruguay being a dark horse with their defensive wall.
United States
Posts: 237
15 years ago
Jun 24, 2010 18:46
Congrats to Slovakia, who played with heart and cleverness. And best of success in the next round!