
Posts by "bojan"

150 Posts Total by "bojan":
109 Posts by member
(Arizona, United States)
41 Posts by Anonymous "bojan":
Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
13 years ago
Jul 5, 2011 9:11
In Thread: CHF
EUR/CHF was a nice ride. Hope that many enjoyed this trade. Would go back in on another dip.

Arizona , United States
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jun 17, 2011 23:51
In Thread: CHF
I am surprised that nobody is mentioning EUR/CHF.
Personally I am long this pair since recent lows (bellow 1.2000). In my view, schizophrenic markets are going to "it's all right, it's o.k." mode soon, and we going to hear some creazy reason why it's good to buy risk again, and how it is all "just a bump" to a rocky road of recovery.
My question is; What is really new about Greek problem? If you would bring the astronaut that spend year in a space station, you could fool him that he was just a few days by showing him the financial news from last summer.
Markel is worried, and so is Trichet, Papandreou is saying "we'll solve it", they working on a package, greeks are not happy, they are protesting............bla bla bla.

in short;

buy fear, sell greed. vix will go down next week.

what would get me really worried; protests in Germany !!!



I love the comments about oil; oil is down because........ oil is going up because.......
Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
13 years ago
Apr 7, 2011 20:16
In Thread: EUR
I am still short on EURGBP since late march, and since there was not much movement after the rate hike, it tells me that market is not ready to bid up Euro, but it is in position to bid GBP, on comments, rummors.......of hiking the rates.

weekly chart says it all.

Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
13 years ago
Mar 30, 2011 3:01

not a bit surprised. I was wondering why you have not done it before, but I am sure that you had a good reason.
Wish you all the best with the new business, and of course, I will continue to follow best analysis on the market.

Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
14 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:38
In Thread: CHF
took 1st profit target on 50 sma on daily chart,(+300)
weekly and monthly chart are set up for reversal, so will follow for developments and hold for more gains.
Looks like people are selling everything to buy Euro..........or cutting shorts.........

Arizona , United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Jan 10, 2011 17:37
In Thread: CHF

I understand that EUR/CHF is not your hottest topic lately, but it would be nice to hear your view about this pair medium to long term.
My position is LONG for the medium term. Monthly chart shows divergence, Weekly chart shows bottoming + candle pattern ( 6 weeks lower lows then inverted hammer), Daily shows signs of solid bottoming.
Besides technical, isn't this level waaaaaay to low for SNB. would anybody be surprised if they "jump in" again ?
Last thing, how can Swiss business survive in such environment. Everybody has to have a "bottom line" somewhere. There is a big drop in currency from the last year, when SNB was defending 1.45-1.50 level

Thank You

Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
14 years ago
Dec 8, 2010 16:33
@ Lisa,

don't be so quick to criticize. we all get mad when things don't go our way, and to point when someone makes a mistake. Bad calls are commen in this business, almost as good calls, and all of us are trying to have more good ones than bad, so we can survive and make money. I want to point out that Ashraf's call is still good for AUD/USD, but the one (trader) has to define it's comfort level of risk/reward and STICK WITH IT. Otherwise it is impossible to trade the market, at least successfully.
It is not necessary to point out Ashraf's good calls, they are all in this website. He does not remove any calls good or bad. Sum them up and you decide does he deserves respect or not ?

I wish you good luck, and good trading



I don't wont to even mention Ashraf's info on twitter. Sometimes he is faster than newswires. Who else does that ?

Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
14 years ago
Nov 17, 2010 7:37

az sqm vqv Phoenix, ti kade si ?

@ Stingle

yes, I trade London, and other markets............. basicaly I trade "only" in my awake hours :)
Since Ashraf is covering markets "only" when they open, I have feeling that I am going to miss something.................. The man is without competition........

Arizona , United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 15, 2010 7:38
excellent............ as always

Arizona, United States
Posts: 111
14 years ago
Oct 20, 2010 5:01

do you still see 1.25 in EUR/CHF ?

thank You
